Chapter Nine

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      "This is Lucas Takeshi Matthews... he is my boyfriend." Mitch mentions as Jace struggles to hold in the tears that were stining his eyes. He wanted to leave, and wanted to leave now. Scott softly grabbing his arm with eyes that were hurt to see Jace so ruined.

      "Let go of me please..." Jace cries softly looking to the floor not daring to make eye contact with anyone. Scott's grasp slowly releasing his eyes staying to the floor as well. Jace walked passed Mitch and Lucas with not much of a glance towards them. He was not welcome there, he wanted to be alone.

      Once outside Jace let the tears flow down his cheeks, his gut wrenched as he tried to keep his sob silent. A hand touched his back, he ripped away from the touch turning to meet Scott's eyes. Jace's chest seemed lighter when he realized it was not Mitch who was in front of him.

      "Jace stay here with us, don't be out here on your own..." Scott was sincerely worried for Jace, like any great friend would be. Jace shook his head and ran his arm over his eyes trying to smear the tears away. He was a man he should not be crying like a child in front of Scott.

      "I can't stay here with them... I just can't. I'm sorry Scott. Thank you for everything though." Jace mumbles looking down to his phone noticing it had lit up.

      "Just stay with me then, we can watch some movies or whatever you like... Just stay here." Scott tries harder to keep Jace from leaving.

      "I'm not going to say anything about him Scott... That's not me... His secrete is safe with me honey trust..." Jace states angrily as the taxi shows up behind him.

      "Just... nevermind, I'll find you later. Just be safe and stay at the hotel okay?" Scott softly says opening the taxi door for Jace with a harsh look on his face, his jaw tight and flexed in irritation toward what was going on.

      "Okay, thank you Scott." Jace softly murmurs and looks to the floor of the taxi as he sat silently as the driver takes him to his hotel.

      He pulls his cell out remember it had lit up while he was talking to Scott in front of the apartment.

      "Are you serious..." Jace sighs rolling his eyes watching the screen fill up with responses to Mitch's new tweet he had sent out not a few minutes ago.

      "I feel I really hurt someone tonight... and I can't stop thinking about it." Is what the tweet read, Jace smiled out of frustration, why would he care?

      "Sir, this is your hotel correct?" The taxi driver looked into the rear view mirror at him while Jace looked out the window at the hotel nodding.

      "Yes, thank you for the ride. Here, keep the change." Jace gave the taxi driver a tip that was well over what he should have, but he did not care at the time. He made his way into the large confusing building again and slowly struggled to get to his room.

      "Finally..." Jace sighs as he finds his room and walks in closing the door behind him and plopping into the large bed in the center of the room. His whole body feeling numb and uneasy from the current events that went on in his life.

      "So, he has a boyfriend... how strange." Jace murmurs looking up to the ceiling trying hard to not let the depression of learning this consume him again. Though as he let himself continue to think anger grew in his chest. Why was he not told about this other guy? Why did Mitch kiss his cheek if he knew he had a boyfriend? Why was Jace so mad about the kiss that happened when it was something so simple and clearly a mistake... Jace grew angrier and stood up as his phone continued to buzz with many of his fans retweeting Mitch's tweet and tagging him wondering if he was alright. He took his cell into his hand and pull back his arm completely tensing up and letting his arm propel it across the room into the hard wooden door. Destroying the phone completely, the anger subsided and worry set it.

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