Chapter Ten

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        "And, what is your plan for that?" Scott raises a brow and half smiles watching Jace get up to pull back the covers to get under them. He snuggles back into the bed with the blankets just below his chin.

        "I have no clue..." His voice was low and calm while his eyes watched Scott turn his body toward him resting his head on his own arm with a look like he was processing what Jace had said.

"You are something else." Scott smiles and shakes his head watching Jace slightly redden from the odd comment. Jace did not think he was being odd or anything.

"Whatever! If you aren't staying here get the hell out you lug..." Jace pushes Scotts shoulder so he turned onto his back in the bed with a laugh covering his face with his hands.

"I am taking that as an invite, and I am staying here." Scott grinned and got up from the bed to turn off the lights and climbing under the covers, Jace blushing a deep red at how comfortable Scott was with him.

"You are weird" Jace grumbles and makes a wall with the pillows between them to prevent any odd sleeping habits either guy may have.

"Oh? Do I make you uncomfortable daddy?" Scott mocks with a soft playful voice which soon was a burst of laughter between the guys.

"Oh, yes daddy..." Jace rolls his eyes and shakes his head as Scott began laughing more at Jace's voice when calling him daddy.

"Hey Jace." Scott calms down and breaks the awkward silence after his laughing.

"Yeah Scott?" Jace murmurs rubbing his eyes as they grow heavy, parting his lips in a large yawn.

"What do you see in Mitch... besides his voice and smile..." Jace remained silent a while, thinking of many answers he could give to Scott.

"He is funny, and caring... he is really sassy, and that's cute... He loves himself, and doesn't care about all the haters... I love his confidence." Jace rambled and closed his eyes while talking.

The door slammed making Jace jump awake with a shout, squinting his eyes as the sun came through a small crack in the curtains.

"Shit, did that wake you?" Scott stood at the door with two cups in his hands biting his lip with an apologetic look on his face.

"Yeah, you scared me..." Jace rubbed his eyes and stretched making loud groaning noises as the muscles pulled and relaxed as he stopped.

"I'm sorry, here. I got you Starbucks. I guessed what you would like. So sorry if it is wrong don't hate me." Scott grinned and handed him a cup of an ice coffee while plopping down beside him on the bed. Scott had to of gone home, Jace looked him over. His hair was done perfectly, all his clothes were different than when he was here last night.

"Thanks, I do like ice coffee. Did you go home?" Jace raised a brow gesturing toward all of Scott's clothes and hair.

"Yeah, I did... I got home then got around and went to get Starbucks for myself and Mitch. Then I thought you would like something. So I went back to Starbucks and got you that and came here." Scott explained then drank his Starbucks while Jace sipped on his and got around.

"So I am checking out of here in a bit, and my flight is later this evening... Where am I going to put my stuff?" Jace thought out loud then regretted it.

"My place. We can head there after you check out and then we can hang out until your flight... or," Scott carried out the or and smiled brightly toward Jace who was sliding on his shirt blushing nervously, "You can stay there like you said you would yesterday." Scott lays back on the bed while Jace crosses his arms becoming slightly perturbed that Scott was still going to try to make him stay at their house after he figured out that Mitch was in a relationship.

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