Lesley's Pov
I'm finally a senior. One more year and then I'm out if this prison.
I got off my bed and went into my bathroom and started doing my bathroom routine. Toilet. Shower. Brush Teeth. Hair.
I decided to let my hair down and keep it natural. It combed out any knots before leaving the bathroom.
I ran downstairs to eat my breakfast before its too late. You see, I have 6 brothers. David, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and Samuel. We go by twos. My twin is Mark. We're both 17. David is 21 and is engaged. Matthew is 19 and is in college. (David already graduated) Mark and I are seniors in high school. Luke is 15 and is a sophomore in high school. John is 13 and is in the 8th Grade. Peter is 11 and is in the 6th grade. And lastly Samuel is in the 4th grade.
I finished my breakfast.
Mark and I go to school together. Sometimes we go in his car. Sometimes we go in mine. Today we went in his.
We arrived at the school at 8:56. We had four minutes to spare. Mark and I already went our separate ways. Mark hangs out with the populars and I hang out with my friends.
"Hey Lauren"
"Hey Lesley. So are you excited that were finally seniors?"
Lauren and I started talking among ourselves about how us being seniors is gonna be like.
The bell rang and I went to my first period. Calculus. I may seem so smart but truth is I'm a prodigy. I have a eidetic memory and I'm really good at math. Sometimes me being a prodigy can be a bad thing. I remember everything. Everything.
I remember when I was abused my dad and molested by his friends. I remember when I was on depression and was anorexic. Those weren't my best days. That lasted most of my childhood. Okay no more bad memories. I shook my head then walked into class to find the guy that annoys me the most, Justin Bieber. That guy is so conceited it's disgust me. Sure he had good looks but that's all he has. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and took a seat in front. Of course him and his friends were in the back.
I grabbed my stuff and began walking to the door as class ended.
"Excuse me can I get through? I need to get to my next class." I said politely to the boy standing in front of me. I couldn't see who it was because his back was facing me.
He turned around and to my unpleasant surprise it was Justin.
"Hey babe"
"Don't call me that. Now get out of my way idiot"
"Hey hey chill. It's not like I wanna be around you anyway"
"Gee thanks. I'm touched (sarcasm')"
He moved out of the way. With that I walked through the door walking to my next class. Chemistry
I walked down the hall waving high to a few friends.
I turn my head to see Jessica. The school slut. Ugh I hated her. She started walking towards me. Great. Just great.
"What do you want Jessica?"
"Oh nothing. Just came to see how your summer was like"
"It was fine. Can u go now?"
"What am I bothering you?"
"Yes you are."
"Well too bad!" she said popping her bubble gum. Disgusting
She knocked down my backpack.
Bitch had the nerve.
"Woops. Sorry"
"Your a waste of my time Jessica. So fuck off"
With that I picked of my backpack and walked to my class.
I entered my class to see Justin again. Just great. Just what I needed. I took a seat away from him
(Skip till lunch)
I took a seat next to my friends. We were laughing and giggling and enjoying our lunch when someone screamed
"Hey ugly! Lower your voice it's hurting my ears!" Everyone in the cafeteria starting laughing at the comment. I stood of from my seat to see who it was. Justin. Of course. I started walking towards his table. I tapped his shoulder.
"What do you want?"
"I want to know why your a douche bag"
"I am Not a douche bag ugly."
"That's what a douche bag would say"
"Listen Lesley. I don't need you ruining my lunch. I'm trying to eat and your face is EW"
"Yeah Lesley. Go away," Jessica said, turning around and basically throwing herself at Justin.
"Jessica you stay out of this."
"Make me"
I walked to Jessica, grabbed her plate,and poured it on her dress.
"oh but I did"
The cafeteria room when silent. Just what I needed. Everyone staring at me. She pushed me the ground and start pulling my hair.
"Why are u pulling my hair?" I asked, pushing her off me.
"Because I want to," She replied, clawing at my scalp with her fake nails.
"I would pull your but your wearing extensions," I said finally getting her off me.
The cafeteria burst into laughter at my comment which was true. She got off me and let go of my hair. I pulled a strand of her hair easily proving that it's a extension.
Told ya
"UGGHH" she screamed and ran to the bathroom. Her friends followed her. After she left the room, Lauren and my friend Jack started clapping for me and everyone else joined in. I could get used to this.
"Thank you. Thank you very much."
I went back to my seat and enjoyed the rest of my lunch.
Chapter End Notes.
How is it so far? Sorry I'm not being very descriptive. I will with the next chapter. Justin's really mean here right?
Jessica and her fake hair.
Vote please. Comment if you want to give me any ideas.
Thanks for ready. Xo
And it gets better I Promise

Inharmonious // j.b
RandomThis story is one that is strange in ever possible way. It starts out as a normal teenage love where two are assigned projects together and then end up together. But, with a secret past brought and mistakes committed, lives are changed in a way th...