Justins Pov.
After seeing Jesse, it made me worry. Don't get me wrong. It's not like I like Lesley or anything. Whatever that's getting off topic. The point is. I know Jesse isn't a nice guy. He has anger issues. And is extremely aggressive.
He isn't the type you guy you call calm.
I just hope Lesley's ok with him.
I walked to my locker and got out the stuff I needed for my next class.
"Morning sexy" said a sultry voice.
I turn my head to find Jessica wearing a cropped shirt that basically showed her plastic breast and some booty shirts with high heals her face filled with makeup and she's obviously wearing contacts.
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes to this revolting sight.
I don't even know why I'm dating her.
It just seems as that we are the two most popular people in school so i guess we were suppose to date. Not a rule I like but I'm not complaining. Jessica is a bitch. But she's really good in bed. "wink wink"
"Hey Jess" I replied.
"So what do you think about skipping this prison and head to my house. Where no one is home" she said flirtatiously.
Do we have to fuck every morning?
Like seriously.
"Um I can't today Jess. I have a lot to catch up on in math and I can't risk getting another D" I lied.
"Oh... that's ok. Maybe after school?" she asked eagerly.
Does this girl ever rest?
"Yeah sure Jess" I swiftly replied.
Before she could say anything else I had already left my locker and started walking to my class. Lesley is always the first one there considering she likes to get her work done fast.
"Well well well" I said loudly.
She turned around. Her hair was laying on her back with a braid going around her head. She was wearing a t-shirt that said "Strong" on it. She wore skinny jeans that sticked to her legs showing off her leg muscle.On her foot were white converse.I felt my heart stop. She had a bruise on her cheek
"What happened." I asked with concern.
This seems like Jesse's work. She was who she was with last night. It has to be him. But then again it could be anybody. Plus, Lesley's brothers say that she's clumsy.
"I fell off my bed during the night and woke up like this" she said smoothly.
Ok so it's not Jesse. Or she could be lying. I sat down on my seat and opened my workbook writing down the problems on the board.
Lesley's Pov
Ok so technically didn't lie to Justin. I don't even know why he even cares about my bruise.
After my date we went back to Jesse's house. I saw nude pictures of another girl on his bed. Of course I questioned him about it. He kept lying to me saying that it isn't his and that he doesn't know the girl. This has happened before and I'm sick of it.
I told him off saying that I don't think we should be together if all your gonna do is sleep with other girls.
Then out of nowhere he slapped me. It reminded me of dad. I remember crying on the floor of his room. He came to me and kept saying that he was sorry and he didn't meant to. That he did it out of anger.

Inharmonious // j.b
RandomThis story is one that is strange in ever possible way. It starts out as a normal teenage love where two are assigned projects together and then end up together. But, with a secret past brought and mistakes committed, lives are changed in a way th...