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You had gotten back from your adventure with the trio. You sat in your room holding a wayfinder that you've had, but never remembered why you had it. It was (f/c). You smiled brightly. "I promise.... I'll save them..." You didn't understand why you said that, but it made you feel... Happy. You heard footsteps so you hid the wayfinder. That's when your door opened. You saw Xemnas. "Superior...." He walked over to you. "(N/n). You're not as hollow as you were before." You started at Xemnas emotionless. You somewhat suspected Xemnas of needing you hollow for something so you did your best to act hollow. "Hmm... You still seem hollow. Good. You'll still be able to be one of my vessels." You watched him walk out not saying another word to you. As soon as he was out of sight and you could no longer hear him you went straight to Zexion's library. You opened the doors and saw Zexion leaning up against Demyx reading a book. "Hey (N/n)! What's up?" You look at Demyx. "Superior is planning on using me as a vessel." Zexion looked up seeing that you said a full sentence without slowly saying each word. You're speech may be getting better, but you still felt hollow. "How do you know this?" You looked down and pulled out the wayfinder which you believed was yours. "He told me. He came to my room. I'm unsure why though." You were going to have to figure out what Xemnas was planning.

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now