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Favourite colour= (f/c) if black choose your second favourite colour.
Sorry for the long wait.

You had just got done changing into a lose (f/c) shirt with a black tank top underneath, a white skirt with (f/c) leggings, and black, white and (f/c) sneakers. Sora looked at you and blushed a bit. "Cute." You blushed and shook your head. "Let's go Sora." He nods. You all set off to the Disney Castle to see if King Mickey is there. Once you get there you look around. You got separated from Sora and his friends. You saw some heartless so you summoned your keyblade and destroyed them. You saw a mouse and smiled brightly. "Mickey!" He turned to you when he heard you call his name. "(Y/n)?" Once he said that your head started to hurt. "No! Stop it!" You fell to your knees holding your head trying to stop the pain. "No! It hurts! Please stop!" Tears streamed down your face as you black out.


"Hey (Y/n)! We got you some sea salt ice cream!" The girl known as (Y/n) looked at the three boys in front of her. "Ven, Lea, Isa." She smiled as the one known as Ven handed her the ice cream. "Thanks, Ven aren't you supposed to be with Terra and Aqua in the Land Of Departure?" That's when this became black.

The scene changed to a place full of keyblades. It was a very rocky place. "(Y/n) you will destroy them. You'll prove to me that you have darkness in your heart." The girl looked at the bald old man and shook her head. "I don't have darkness in my heart!" That's when she fell to the ground losing all of her light. "She was so pure. I must fill her heart with darkness so she can be one of my vessels." He laughed evilly. She stares at the old man not saying a word. She was hollow. She had no reason anymore. She was now the perfect vessel, but that could change.

"(N/n).... (N/n)...? (N/n)!" You woke up. You looked around and saw you were back in your room within the organization. "Mickey..." You saw Demyx. He let out sigh of relief. "Good. You're awake. What were you thinking (N/n)? You could've gotten killed sleeping out where someone could kill you." Demyx was truly concerned about you. You looked down and saw you were back in your cloak. "Was that all a dream...?" You sighed and got up. "Sorry Dem. Didn't mean to make you worry." You smile at him. You walk out of your room. You quietly wandered around. "It felt to real to be a dream..." You sigh again as you run into Saix. You fell on your butt. "Ow.." Saix looks down at you. He growls a bit. "Sorry Saix." Saix stares at you confused. You start to cry. "I'm sorry for being a stupid vessel. I'm sorry I can't remember. It hurts not only my head, but it also hurts my heart." You get up as you try to stop crying. "I want the pain to go away quickly like when he stole my light!" Saix stood there confused as you run past him crying. You kept running till you found yourself in the town that never was. It was pouring rain outside. You fell to your knees crying. You were now sobbing and getting soaking wet. "STOP! WHY WON'T YOU JUST STOP IT! STOP HURTing me..." You started to get tried from crying. You started to fall asleep. You laid on the ground still crying in your sleep as it continued to rain.

Xigbar, Axel, Roxas, Xion, Demyx, Zexion and Saix went looking for you. You were found by Vexen. He may have wanted to figure out what made you the perfect vessel, but he thought that it'd be better that you were alive when he ran tests on you instead of not having anything to run tests on. Vexen carried you to the Grey Area. You were soaking wet. "Found her. Now take care of her." He handed you to Xigbar. Vexen left as Xigbar held you close. "(N/n)... What were you thinking...?"

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now