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You had made your way to the World That Never Was. You landed, but as soon as you did heartless showed up. You fight them off as you head to save your friends. You get away and wander around trying to find the others. You see Xemnas. He was back earlier than expected. He looked at you and growled. "This only a minor set back. All I have to do is take your light and you'll become the perfect vessel." You pointed your keyblade at him. He laughed. "You think you can take on me." You shook your head. "I know I can. My friends may not be here, but they'll always be in my heart no matter what. I will beat you to get them back!" You were about to attack Xemnas when Saix got in your way. You stopped tripping and falling on your face. You stood up. "Isa... Please get out of the way, I don't want to hurt you!" You looked at his eyes and notices the X on his face was bigger. You sighed knowing you couldn't change his mind. "Isa I'm sorry. I love you and I hope you can forgive me for d-" A hand was placed over your mouth. "(N/n) what a wonderful performance that you put on. Now let's go take off that makeup and get you back into your cloak." You nod knowing Axel was trying to protect you. You made yourself seem hollow. It wasn't that hard. Xemnas sighs and walks off with Saix following him. When they were out of sight and no longer could be heard Axel let out a sigh of relief. "You're lucky that I was walking by when this happened or Saix would grow darker." You placed a hand on Axel's hand that was still on your mouth. "Let's go and get you changed (Y/n)." Your eyes widen as him removed his hand from your mouth. "Axel..." Axel opened a dark corridor then he picks you taking you through it.

Axel had taken you to Zexion's library. Demyx was laying on the couch bored while Zexion was sitting at his desk reading. "Xemnas is back earlier and guess who decided to come back as a somebody." Demyx looked at Axel seeing you over his shoulder. He smirked and sat up. "Nice ass." You blushed and started flailing around. "Demy! Stop staring at my ass! Axel put me down!" Axel was looking at your ass now. "You're right Dem she does have a nice ass." You growled blushing more as you elbow Axel in the face making him drop you. Demyx tried not to laugh. You landed on your feet and throw ice daggers at Demyx. He dodged them as they hit the book Zexion was reading. "Sorry Zexi!" You made the ice daggers disappear. Zexion glared at you. "(N/n). Watch it." You rolled your eyes as you walked over to Zexion. "Aww is Ienzo mad?" Zexion looked at you with wide eyes. "(Y/n)?" You nod and gently place a hand on his head. "Yeah it's me Ienzo. Miss me?" You smiled brightly. Demyx sat there confused. "What is going on?" You looked towards the door to see Xigbar. "Uncle..." Xigbar looked at you and could tell instantly that you were no longer a nobody. "(Y/n).." He smiled as you ran over to him hugging him. "Uncle! You won't believe what I can remember. Just wait I'll make it where you all remember. I need to just-" You stopped talking when you saw Vexen. You looked at the ground and let go of your uncle. "I... I need to go do something.... I'll be back don't worry." You kissed your uncle's cheek then you walked out of the library heading to room. You stopped in front of your door to your room. "What do you want Vexen?" You looked back at him. He held out his hand for you to take. You hesitantly took it.

Vexen grinned and took you to his lab. You sighed and sat on the operation table that was in the room. "Even. Do you remember?" Vexen tensed when he heard you call him Even. "How do you know my somebody's name?" You looked at the ground staying quiet. He turned to you. He put his hands on your cheeks and made you look up at him. "Answer me." You gently placed your hands on his. "Even it's ok. I could never forget the person who taught me how to control my powers. It's ok. Ienzo is safe. You did your job, you protected him. So there's no need to be worried." You smiled. Vexen pulled his hands away from your face, but you still had your hands on his. "Even. I-" That's when you heard footsteps as you let go of his hands then made yourself seem hollow. "Vexen. I see you're doing what I told you to do." Vexen nodded. "Yes Superior. She is hollow though she finally is able to remember things and her speech has gotten better so she is getting close to being ready." Xemnas nods then walks out. "Saix is there any reason why you're still here?" Saix waited till Xemnas was completely gone. He closed the door to Vexen's lab. "(Y/n). It's ok you can stop pretending." You looked at Saix and stopped pretending to be hollow. "Isa about earlier I-" Saix placed a hand up to tell you to stop talking. "(Y/n) you have to find Ven. He's still here." Your eyes widen as Saix walked over to you and Vexen. "If you find him you might be able to save him. Then you might be able to save us all." You nod smiling. You kiss his cheek then you get down off the operation table. You hug Vexen. You then head to the door. "I'll be careful so don't worry." You left and went off to look for Ventus. You made sure to be careful. You were happy and full of hope.

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now