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You woke up in a room. You weren't sure where you were. You sat up, but cringed felling pain in your stomach. You saw you were wrapping in bandages. You looked around and saw Vexen. "Even?" He turned to look at you and smiled. "You're awake that's good. I'll go get your uncle." You nod as he walks out. You sat there remembering what happened. You heard the door open and saw your uncle walk in. "Uncle. I defeated him. I defeated the monster you all were protecting me from." Xigbar smiled and gently patted your head. "Yes you did." You smiled back. "Now Even will be taking care of you until you get better." You nod and yawn. "Get some sleep (Y/n)." You lay down and fall asleep.

It had been a month now and Vexen finally let you go. You walked out of the room after getting changed. You looked around everything looked familiar. "Radiant Gardens." You smiled. "I'm home." You walked out of the castle and looked for something to eat. "Hey (Y/n)." You saw Axel. "Lea! Where's Isa?" He shrugs. "Not sure. You hungry?" You nod. He gently takes your hand and takes you to get some food. You smiled blushing a bit. You ate and when you were done you left Axel to go see the rest of your friends. You wandered around. You found Zexion and Demyx in a library. "Demyx, Ienzo!" They look at you and smile. You talk to them for a bit then leave to see others. You found Terra and Aqua. You teased them about being on a date even though they were just friends. After some time you left. You found Ven and Vanitas talking to Roxas, Sora and Xion. You talked for a bit until you left to look for Saix.

After some time of searching you found him in the outskirts of the town. You went over to him and sat down beside him. It was dark out and the stars gleamed in the sky as the moon looked like the Cheshire Cat's smile. "It's truly beautiful out here." You had caught Saix off guard. He hadn't even noticed you were there. "Yeah." You giggled. You both talked for a bit then he walked you home. "Thanks Isa. See you tomorrow." He nodded and left. You went inside. You went to sleep. It had been a long time since you slept in your old bed.

You woke up the next day. Your hair was messy. You weren't sure if you wanted to get up, but you knew sooner or later you'd have to. You got up and took a shower. You started to sing while in the shower. You hand finished showering and singing as you went to your room. You looked in your closet seeing your things were small now so you grabbed the clothes that fit and went to wash them. You were walking around in a towel with your hair up in a towel. You weren't aware of the people that were in your house. You headed to the kitchen when you saw your friends in your living room and some in your kitchen. You blushed bright red. You turned around and headed back to your room. You just waited till your clothes were clean to go back to your friends. Your clothes were finally clean so you changed in your room making sure no one was in there and your door was locked so no one came in while you were changing.

Once you were done you went to the kitchen to get something to eat your hair still up in a towel. You saw the kitchen had no one in it which made you a bit happy. You made yourself some cereal since you didn't want to much noise or really felt like making much food anyways. You sat in the dining room eating. Apparently no one had even noticed you were in the dining room. Once you were done you put your bowl and spoon in the sink. You went to the bathroom to brush out your damp hair. You brush out your hair. You went to the living room to see them watching Holes. It was a great movie it was one of your favourites. You smiled and stood quietly behind the couch. The move was almost over. You noticed some of your friends were crying some were trying not to and the others had poker faces even though you knew they were crying on the inside. You had weird friends, but you'd never trade them for anything. They were your friends and nothing would ever change that.

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now