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Everyone had gathered to hear what Xemnas had to say. "I will be going on a mission. By myself, I leave Saix in charge. Now you are all dismissed." One by one ever left. You went to the Grey Area and sat on the couch trying to remember anything from when you were a somebody. "(N/n) what are you doing?" You look at who was talking to you and saw Vexen. "Trying to remember... Who I use to be..." He smirked and held out his hand. "I could help you with that." You glared at him. "I'm hollow not stupid. I'm going to visit Hollow Bastion. If anyone needs me tell them that." You got up and made a dark corridor that would take you to Hollow Bastion. You walked through it. You made it to Hollow Bastion and wandered around with your hood up. You saw a boy with brown spiky hair. He had a keyblade. Along side him was a duck and a dog. "Sora behind you!" The duck yelled at the boy named Sora. "Huh?" He turned and saw you. "Hey! You're part of Organization XIII!" You stare at him. "You look familiar..." You extended your hand and gently touched his face. "Why? Why do I feel like crying? Why can't I remember?" You pulled away swiftly making your hood fall off. Tears streamed down your face. "WHY ARE YOU SO FAMILIAR?" You yelled at Sora. Him and his companions looking at you confused. "I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen you." You look down at the ground and pull out your wayfinder. "Please... I want to remember..."

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now