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You woke up wrapped in warm towels and in the arms of Axel. You blushed and moved away from him. "Hey! You're not getting away from me till you are dry." Axel wrapped his arms around you. You blushed more. "Axel I am naturally cold. If you warm me up to much I'll get sick." He sighs and let's go of you. "Or you like him~" Demyx teases you. You throw ice daggers at him. Axel melts them before they hit Demyx. Demyx kinda hid behind Zexion. "Hey! That almost hit me!" You stood up glaring at him. "That was the point." You were about to leave when you felt pain right where your heart was. You cringed, but try to ignore it as it became stronger. You fell as the light left your eyes. "(N/n)!" That's all you heard before you lost consciousness.

You woke up floating in darkness. You then saw a platform underneath you. You landed on it gently. You saw two pictures. One was a picture of a sun the other one was a moon. You stared at the pictures unsure which one to choose. You slowly reached out to the sun then you grab it confidently as the darkness turned into light. "You have chosen the path of light." You shook your head. "I chose the path to dawn. I have traveled through darkness to get back to the light. Even though my light was stolen so I had to achieve the light that was taken from me." That's when a door appeared as well as your keyblade. You pointed your keyblade at the door. The door started to open as you were engulfed by the light.

You found yourself in the Disney Castle again wearing that outfit from before. "(Y/n)?" You looked around and saw Mickey. "Mickey..." You started to cry. "Hey don't cry!" You heard Sora's voice, but it more sounded like a voice you hadn't heard in a long time. "Yeah there's no need to cry." You heard a female voice you hadn't heard in a long time as well. "If it's something someone said we are sorry." You tried to wipe away your tears. "Ven, Aqua, Terra." For a brief moment you saw Ventus, Aqua and Terra, but it didn't last long. You saw Sora, Mickey, Donald and Goofy. You sighed as you stood up. "Sorry about that. I don't usually do that." You smile brightly at them. "Where did you disappear to? We were looking everywhere for you!" You giggle as Sora was being dramatic. "Sorry I guess I had to do a few things. Anyways I think I know somewhat where and why as well as who gave me my wayfinder." Sora's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really?" You nod. "Yep. My friend Aqua gave it to us I guess as a symbol to show that no matter what will happen to us we will find each other once again. Even though I may not have seen her or the others since I was younger." You smile as you pull your wayfriender out from around your neck. Mickey gasps a bit. "You are (Y/n)." You nod. "Yep I'm (Y/n), but I'm also (N/n). I just got my light back. It was taken from me, but I have it back now. Now I can go get my friends back." You put your wayfriender back under your lose shirt. You turn and try to create a corridor, but nothing happens. "Oh yeah I don't have darkness anymore. I guess I'll have to just do it like I did long ago. Though it may be hard since having my light back may take some time getting use to." You wave and run towards where the garden is jumping down to the ground as you throw you keyblade down as it becomes a standing scooter without wheels. "Alright it still does it." You made ice armour around your body so you would be safe traveling between worlds. As you left you heard Sora saying, "I want to try that!"

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now