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"Ah! Goofy! We've seen something like that before!" The duck said to Goofy. "Grawsh. You're right Donald. It's a wayfriender... Um a wayf... A wayfi.... Um..." Donald looked annoyed. "A wayfinder?" Sora asked curiously. "Doesn't the King have one?" Donald and Goofy nodded. "Yeah!" You looked at them. "King..? Do you mean Mickey?" They nodded. "You know the King?" You nod then shake your head. "I don't remember." Sora tilted his head in confusion. "Maybe we can help." You looked at Sora and shook your head. "No! You can't. If you do they'll miss me and come look for me.... I don't want to abandon my friends. They mean so much to me even if I'm incapable of having feelings. I know deep down inside me there's a light trying to shine through. And every time I come closer to remembering who I was that light grows stronger."

You smile feeling such happiness. You like feeling happiness a lot. Sora smiled his goofy smile. You looked at him, but instead of seeing Sora's face you saw a mysterious boy that looked like Roxas and acted like Sora. Then the name of the unknown person slipped out of your mouth. "Ventus." You don't remember the name, but you felt so sad saying the name. Sora tilted his head in confusion. "Ventus? Who's Ventus?" You looked down. "I don't remember... Maybe your King could help me remember." Sora nodded. "Let's go find the King!" You nod, but notice that Donald didn't look happy. "She can't go with us looking like that!" Sora sighed and gently grabbed your hand. "Let's go find you something else to wear." You nod. With that the four of you were off to find you something else to wear.

Life Before The Organization (Organization XIII x Reader) {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now