//Somebody Else//

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I awoke to find myself in Mattys arms. I carefully unwrapped myself and then I walked into mine and Mattys room and pulled my clothes on.

I scrawled a quick note down and left it on the floor next to Mattys sleeping body.

I then walked out of the house and down to the town.

I had gone in a few shops just to see what was there when all if a sudden I saw two people who I wished I had never seen...

My ex and his girlfriend who stole him from me.

I tried not to be noticed by them but it was already too late for that.

"ALEX!" She shouted. I tried to ignore them.

"Look at us when we are speaking to you!" She called.

I looked over at them and they began to make out with each other furiously. They were trying to make me jealous and it was working.

I knew I had Matty now and I an happy but it just hurts to see that he had gotten over me so quickly as if we meant nothing.

I looked up at him and for a second I could have sworn that I had seen the slightest bit or guilt and remorse in his eyes but it had quickly disappeared and was replaced by her reflection and lust.

I quickly walked past and as I did I felt a few tears slowly trickle down my face.

I wiped it away and carried on home. I tried not to let it affect me but it really hurt to see him forget everything that we had together.

When I eventually reached I decided to sit next to the house and look out into the distance.

Many thoughts ran through my mind.

"What are you doing out here Alex?" Adam asked as he sat next to me.

"Just thinking." I replied.

"Anything you want to talk to me about?" He asked me.

I looked at him and sighed before I felt a few tears slip from my eyes.

"Hey. What's up?" Adam asked.

"I know that I have Matty but I just can't help but feel that all I had with my has been forgotten by him because of his new girlfriend. I don't like my ex in that way but I can't stand to see him with her. I can't stand to see him so happy without me." I told Adam, still crying.

He wiped away my tears.

"He doesn't know what he is missing out on. You are an amazing and stunning girl and if he couldn't see that then it was his loss. Don't let that arsehole bring you down Alex because he really isn't worth your tears." Adam told me.

"Thanks Adam." I said to him, hugging him.

"No problem. I'm just looking out for a friend." He replied.

We both stood up and walked into the house.

Matty looked as we both walked in.

"Are you both okay?" He asked us.

"Yeah. Just looking at the view." Adam said.

"Okay." Matty replied.

We then all sat in the living room. I lit my cigarette and Matty pulled me into his chest.

We sat like that and I knew that this was where I was meant to be.

Exhale//Matty HealyWhere stories live. Discover now