Chapter: 1

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After the GMG and the dragons, all the wizards that helped fight are now going to enjoy themselves. The king is throwing a 'thank you' party! Everyone is happy and probably going to show the king of how this is a bad idea.

As the girls start to get ready, a certain blue hair Mage is nervous. She doesn't want to go, but then again she does. Erza notices this and walks over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

" Levy are you okay?"

Levy nods, then turns around it face Erza. She smiles hoping that it would find what she is feel. Erza smiles then whispers. " I can read you like a book Levy, I know you have your eyes on Gajeel."

Levy jumped back waving her hands shaking her head no. " What? I don't know what your talking about!" This caused the other girls to pay attention to Levy & Erza.

" What's going on?" Mirajane smiles, Lucy walks over and looks at her friend with concern.

" Levy-chan what's wrong?"

Now that everyone is looking at the blue haired Mage, the situation couldn't get worse. Levy twiddled with her fingers, thinking of away to get out of this. And her change knocked on the door.

" Hey girls you done yet?" Gray said behind the door, Juvia jumped up with hearts in her eyes.

' thank you Gray!' She thought to herself, as she went to the door. Once she opened it, she fell flat on the floor. Juvia jumped off of Levy to tackle Gray-sama.

" My beloved Gray-sama!!" Juvia opened her arms, waiting for her beloved Gray to hug her. Gray fell to the ground with the blue haired girl on top of him.

" Juvia! W-What are you doing?!?" Gray looked into her eyes then blushed, Juvia blushed too. She then quickly got off of him. " Juvia is sorry, sorry, sorry, is Gray-sama okay?" Juvia went to look at Gray again, but looked away when he looked at her.

" I'm fine, anyways are you girls done? We are waiting."

Erza and the others walked out, and walked on top of Levy. " Owww!" Juvia speed walked to Levy she put her hand out, with a smile on her face.

" Juvia is sorry for using you."

Levy took the hand and dusted herself off, she then smiled at looked at Juvia.

" It's okay. Let's go!" She said cheerfully.


Once they got there, Levy went somewhere in the castle to write somethings down. Gajeel saw her walk away from everyone else, he wanted to follow her but was still by a certain blond.

" Gajeel! Gajeel!"

He turned to face Sting along with Rogue, Sting had whine in his hand. And a glass in his other. " Where's Natsu?"

Gajeel shrugged. " I don't know haven't seen him."

" Ohh...well how about you drink with us?" He frowned, but then smiled.

" No." Gajeel replied coldly.

" Oh come on! Please?" Sting still smiling, Rogue put his hand on Sting's shoulder.
" Sting let's go look for Happy he might know where Natsu is." Sting nods then they leave, now is his change it follow Levy.


Gajeel walked around the castle, he soon found the blue mage writing something. He walks over to her putting his hand on her shoulder. She jumps by the touch and turns to head to face Gajeel.

" Gajeel? What are you doing here?" She turns complete around in her chair. He takes a step back, and looks away blushing a little.

" Well shrimp I was looking for you...." He scratches the back of his neck, looking everywhere else but at her. She looks back at the paper she was writing on then sighs. Levy gets up and hugs Gajeel, then takes his hand pulling him with her. Back to the ball room, with the other idiots.

" Shrimp what where you writing about?" Gajeel started to walk on his own now. She still holing his hand, Gajeel grabbed her's as well. Levy stopped walking when she felt his hand holing her's back, Gajeel looks at her confused.

" Huh...nothing let's keep going." She lets go of his hand, walking away. The iron slayer stands there confused of what just happened, but soon follows her.


Once Levy made it back she raced over to Lucy, leaving Gajeel by himself. Rogue saw this and walked over to him, sting followed just for the hell of it.

" Gajeel?"
" Huh?" Gajeel looked over to see the two idiots from earlier, he sighs then looks at them with a look that says
' what the hell you want?'

" She likes you." Rogue said that made Gajeel and Sting chock, Sting on his drink and Gajeel on air.

" Wait what?!" Sting looked at his brother questioning him, Gajeel eyed the shadow slayer.

" What do Ya mean?" Gajeel said.

" Yeah what do you mean, brother?!" Sting added.

" It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see, she makes it obvious. I could see it the way she looks at you." Rogue said as he looked at the blue haired Mage, who is laughing with Erza and Lucy. Gajeel looks at them, then looks at Rogue and hits him up side the head.
" Owww..!!!"

" Don't look at her like that you idiot!"

Stings starts to laugh, but he too got hit up side the head.
" OWWW!!"

" Don't laugh when I get hit!" Rogue yelled at his Brother, then they started to fight. Gajeel drift away from them and went to the Blue haired girl.

" Levy......would...ya like" Gajeel blushing, Erza pushed the iron slayer hard making him fall on top of Levy. Levy blinked a couple of times, their noise touching. Both started to blush madly, Gajeel went to push off of Levy but his little friend had an idea. Lily jumped on the iron dragon slayer's head, making his lips crash on Levy's. Both of their eyes widen, Gajeel jumped off of the blue haired girl.

" Lily!"Gajeel yelled.

Erza and Lily smirked, and started to chuckle. When Gajeel went to look back at Levy, she got up with tears in her eyes and took off running out of castle.

" Look what Ya did!"
Their smirks left when they saw Levy run away, Erza went to go after her but Lily stopped her. " Let Gajeel take care of it."

The black haired slayer already left chasing after her.

Okay I hope you like this new story I started, I've wanted to make this for a while. I do love yaoi but I also like some of the other ships. And I do ship this, I think this is only going to be 12 chapters long so yeah.
Vote, comment, 💙 you guys 


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