Chapter: 4

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The next day everyone was packing up, and the master is paying for the stay along with the damage they did as well. Levy finished packing so she went down stairs to the bar, where everyone else was either talking or eating. She walked over to Lily and Erza, they looked at her and smiled.

" Good morning  Levy." Erza said.

" Yes Good morning Levy." Lily added.

" Morning to you too! Can you guys watch my bags?"

" Huh sure, where are you going?" Erza said taking Levy's bags. The blue haired Mage had one big bag with a book bag that she wear like a purses.

" Ohh I just want to give a book to someone I know, that's all I'll be right back. Don't worry."

Lily and Erza nodded, then Levy walks out heading to the Inn Sabertooth was staying at. She took a book out of her bag, the book was called ' My Lucky Strike'. That happened to me the book she had been reading when she is around Gajeel, but there is something special about it.


Once she got there, she took a deep breath before opening the door. She walked in seeing no one, Levy closed the door making it make a ' Crack' sound.

" Hello?" She said kinda loud, Levy looked around to see if she could find someone.

" Hello."

Levy looked up above her to see one of the exeecds flying right above her.

" Hi I was wondering if I could talk to Sting or Rogue... I think that's their names.."

The exceed went to her level still flying in the air.

" Sure I'll get them. I'm lector you are?"

" Ohh I'm Levy McGarden, and I'm a member of FairyTail."

Lector smiled then went to get Sting and Rogue, leaving Levy to herself. As she waited one of the wizards she recognized from the Games walked passed her, he stopped and turned to face her.

" Hello mis, may I ask what you are doing here?"

Levy looks at the Mage then smiles.

" Ohh you are Rufus Lore right?" Levy asked the Mages who nods." I'm a member of FairyTail I came here to talk to Sting and Rogue. One of the exceeds named Lector said he would get them for me."

He looks at her then looks around, as if he was trying to find anyone else that might of came along.

" your name is?"

" Levy McGarden."

" That's a nice name, well bye then." Rufus left going back to whatever he was going to do. Soon Lector came back but Sting and Rogue weren't with him.

" Sting wants you to follow me." Lector said while flying, levy nods and starts to follow the maroon exceed. They walked down a hallway, then stopped at a door.

" They are in their, bye." With that lector left, Levy knocked on the door.

" Come in." A smooth yet rough said, the blue haired Mage opened the door. She walked in and closed it behind her, when she turned around there was Sting and Rogue.

" Ohh its you.....Levy right?" Rogue said Sting sighed in relief, for a minute there he thought it was Natsu again wanting to challenge the hole Sabertooth guild again.

" Yes who you know that?"

" Gajeel might have talked about you to us once, what you here for?" Sting spoke, Rogue just smiled.

" For this..." She took the book out, then handed it over to Sting. " I wanted to give it to you guys, so if Gajeel where to ever ask about me to you or talk about me. You could give it to him." She said looking like she was going to cry, tears started to form in her eyes. Sting took the book then hugged the blue haired Mage.

" Why are you giving it to us? Why can't you give it to Lucy or Erza. Or maybe Gajeel himself?" Rogue questioned, while Sting pulled away from the hug.

" Because I'm leaving the guild, I told Erza and Lily that I went to give something to someone I knew. Even though I don't know you guys that well, I thought if something should happen and Gajeel came to you to talk about me. You could give this to him."

Both of the boys looked at each other then at the book in Stings hands, rogue took the book then tried to open it. Sadly it didn't open up, that's when he saw Levy's hand on the book. The words on the book changed, it still said ' My lucky Strike' but the another changed to
' Levy McGarden, to Gajeel Redfox' that was written underneath her name, Rogue looked back at Levy who took her hand off of it.

" There now there is a spell on it, if Gajerl where to say these words ' Solar Script magic Iron' the spell will be lifted and you will be able to see inside."

" Why are you Leaving your Guild?!" Sting yelled looking confused, and angry. He can't understand why someone would want to leave FairyTail.

" I have good reason, please give this to him when he comes to talk to you."

" Okay Levy, you can go if you want." Rogue said this made Sting change his attention to the shadow slayer.

" What?!"

" Thank you for understanding, goodbye." She walked out of the leaving Sting in shock and Rogue looking at the book, wondering what could be inside that Gajeel needs to see.

" What the hell Rogue why you let her leave?!?!" Sting yelled Rogue looked up at him, with worry plastered on his face.

" What's inside this book that only Gajeel has to see?"

Both stood there looking at the book with worry.


Once Levy got back Erza and Lily already left, Makarov was the last one there. She walked over to her pack then looked at Makarov who is setting at the bar, have a glass of booze.

" Master, can I talk to you about something?" Makarov looked at Levy, then pats the chair next to him.

" Yes my child, what's on your mind?"

Levy took a big breath of air, then looked at her master tears forming in her eyes once again.

" I want to leave the guild."

Makarov choked on his booze, then looked at the blue haired Mage in all.

" And why would you want to do that?"

Levy whipped some of her tears away, she looked down.

" I want to travel." She lied and Makarov knew that, but he just let it go. Not asking why, so then he looked at her serious.

" Okay do you want me to remove it?"

Levy knew that if the master removes a guild mark, most likely they can't return back to the guild.

" Yes..." She turned around so Makarov could see the guild make, then Levy prepared herself for the pain.

" I'm sorry it will hurt a little bit." Makarov tried to make it less painful then it should be, after a few minutes the white FairyTail symbol was got. Leaving a burn mark where it was, levy turned back and hugged the master.

" Tell everyone that I'll miss them....and tell them I said goodbye......also tell Gajeel that I'll miss him the most."

Makarov hugs her the pulls away, he nods.

" I will my child, now best be on your way." Makarov said tears up a little bit, there goes one of his children spreading her wings and fly. Levy walked out of the Bar, then headed home to get her money and other things she will need.

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