Chapter: 7

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Levy has been gone for a month now, and the guild hadn't been the same. Yes where are some times they forget she is gone, and have fun. But once they remember the sadness surrounds the guild mostly Gajeel. He never did open the book it sets on his night stand, he looks at it sometimes but doesn't open it. He doesn't know why, maybe it's because her sent is all over it. Or maybe it's because he thinks he isn't good enough for her, yes Gajeel regrets the stuff he did to her. And if he could go back in time he would!

Gajeel and Lily entire the guild, they hear that some of the people from the Magic Council where coming. They wanted to talk to the Master about Natsu and the poor towns that are ashes. Lily wanted to see Natsu get beat up by the Master, Gajeel thought maybe seeing this would make him feel better.

They went to the table that Erza, Lucy, and Gray are setting at.

" Where's salamander?"

Erza looked at the bar where the Master was with a tied up Natsu sat next to him. Lily laughed Gajeel chuckled.

" I can't wait to see what gramps is going to do when money is brought up." Gray said.

" I bet he is going to give Natsu ' that' punishment." Erza added, just as their conversation started to go on more the door opens, and there stand some of the people they where waiting for. Doranbolt along with a girl that is wearing a coat, walked over to Makarov that smiled. Gajeel, Natsu, and Wendy all had widen eyes, they watched the girl what is wearing a coat walk to the Master.

" Gajeel what is it? Is she a threat?" Erza asked looking at them with caution.

" How? No way?!" Gajeel muttered Wendy went to Gajeel.

" Can you smell it to Gajeel?" Wendy asked and Gajeel nods.

" Yup it's Shrimp alright." Erza, Gray, and Lucy looked at the girl in the coat in disbelief. All of them moved closer to the bar, ease dropping on the conversation.

" Are you sure Gajeel?" Erza asked, as she looked at the girl closely. Lucy got up she walked up to the bar acting like she doesn't care, Mirajane walks over to her while cleaning a glass.

" Lucy that is Levy, I saw her face." Mirajane whispers, Lucy's eyes widen then looks at the girl again. She walks away going back to the group, Erza mouths ' What did Mirajane say?'.

" Mirajane saw her face its Levy, they are right."
Gray and Erza looked at Natsu who is, trying to burn the rope.

Gajeel almost jumps out of seat when he heard that he is right, it's not like he doubt it himself. Never doubt a dragon's nose.

" That's it." Gajeel got up, Erza grabbed his arm.

" No set down!" She whispers.

" No I'm going to sing some stuff that will make me feel better."

Erza looks at me wondering why he would sing, and that's when it hit her like bricks. Levy would always stare at Gajeel when ever he sings, she loves the sound of his voice. Gajeel went to the bar to ask Mira something, she giggles then nods. They both walk to the stage Mira gets two microphones handing Gajeel one, they tell the band what to play and they start to play.

" Oh it looks like my children are going to sing, why don't we hear them they sure can sing?" Makarov said smiling, he is trying to get out of the conversation about money and how much work that goes with it.  They nod and turn to look at the stage watching the two get ready to sing.

  You and I,
We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky.
With you, I'm alive
Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide.  

 Levy slowly took off her coat, she then walked closer to the stage. A few people recognized her and cried, others wanted to touch her. Yet they didn't they just watched her, saw how her eyes sparkle. How happy she looks when she hears Gajeel sing. Levy would always look the happiest when she watches Gajeel, that was probable the only time anyone has ever seen her truly smile.

Gajeel saw her and smiled, he really did fall for the book worm. He continues to sing Mira starts to as well. They both sound so pretty but Mira's voice doesn't really work with Gajeel's rough one, yet they still kinda make good singing partners. 

  You're the perfect melody,

 The only harmony
 I wanna hear.
You're my favorite part of me,
With you standing next to me,
I've got nothing to fear.  

Levy began to cry, the song, the fact that the man she still loves is singing for her, all of this is enough to make anyone cry. She walks to where she is right in front of the stage, looking up at the iron dragon slayer she mouths the words ' I love you' . He sees this and leans down to her picking her up, now the blue haired mage is standing on the stage looking at Gajeel wondering why he did that. He pulls her in for a hug holding her body close to his taking in the sent of her, Levy pushed away looking at him with a sorry look. The song stopped everyone's eyes on them, he went to walk over to her and she pushed him away again. 

" Don't touch" She yelled, gasps where heard across the room. Gajeel looked at her in shock, she no Levy called him a monster. So she never loved him? Was it all a joke to her? these thought and I thew more went through his head. Levy then took off running out of the guild leaving Gajeel in total shock,  Doranbolt called out to her but it wasn't working. He sighs then walks over to Gajeel, that have his eyes widen. 

" I guess I have to tell you why we brought her here." He said now standing on the stage." She has been acting weird, at work the others and I thought about letting her go. But we didn't, so what we thought  was if she sees Gajeel again she would feel better, sad it kinda looks like it worked not really tho. Gajeel go after her talk to her, it might not look like it but she needs you. More like she earns for you."

Gajeel snaps out of his thoughts and nods going after his lover or friend.

/// I know it took a while but I'm busy doing other things I hope you liked it tho Vote! Comment! Luv you guys ~bye~


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