Chapter 1

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"Hey you two are you ready to go?" Chanel said on her phone " Are you kidding me I was ready last month when my dad died and I'm certainly ready now." Georgia said sounding like she couldn't take another minute of being in her house." Ok guys I'm ready to go and I can't wait to get out of here!" I said sounding like I couldn't stand another minute of being here." Guy I feel kind of bad for not telling Ben about this," Chanel said." Look Chanel how about this when we're at our meeting place we call Ben and anyone else ok?" Georgia said," so we can call anyone and tell them anything? I said, Georgia continued to talk," yea basically." Ok I'm game!" I said sounding very enthusiastic." Ok I geese that will work" Chanel said" ok then see you there bey" I said before I hung up the phone.

The Runaways Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora