Chapter 7

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Georgia POV
Well so far this adventure has been a complete disaster I'm in a bed with Chanel and Grace, Ben and Alex are sleeping in the bed right next to us were in a hotel that seems like it could collapse at any minute and someone keeps kicking me, I think it might be Chanel." Chanel stop kicking me." I hissed at her." Sorry didn't mean to." Chanel said sounding very sleepy." Guys why are you still awake?" Grace said sounding like she just woke." Hey you guys your awake to." Alex said sounding wide awake." Yeah Chanel keeps kicking me so I'm awake." I said." I'm sorry I can't help it if I move a lot." Chanel said." Guys why don't you take some advice and shut the hell up!" Ben yelled at us." Why so you can get your beauty sleep Ben." Grace said sarcastically." Oh shut up Grace," Ben said to her." So you do need beauty sleep I get it Ben." Grace said smiling." I really hate you Grace." Ben said." I hate you to," Grace said." Ok guys lets just go to sleep alright." Chanel said and we all said ok." Oh so you listen to Chanel but not me." Ben said and we all yelled back." Shut up!" Then we all went to sleep.
The next morning
I was slowly walking up and then I felt something on my leg and it was slowly creeping up my leg and I said " Chanel I thought I told you to knock it off." But it still keep going up my leg" Chanel is that you." I moved the sheets and it was a spider but it couldn't it was so big and so hairy maybe a tarantula or something I didn't care the only thought that crossed my mind was scream I looked around me everyone was standing around me and I saw Chanel she was using different hand singles telling me not to move or scream and I knew I should lesson to her for some weird reason she was abscessed with spiders we would always ask her we do you like spiders so much and she would always say back, well spiders are just like us small and deadly. I was so scared I was shaking the spider was getting closer to my body I looked around me again and I whispered "what should I do?"" Georgia stay calm that is the most important thing." Grace said and then Chanel said in a whisper" Georgia when I tell you to, throw the spider off your leg and then jump out of the bed ok."" Are you crazy," I whispered and she said back." Just trust me." I was about to disagree but I realized I didn't have a choice the spider was halfway up my stomach so I finally whispered back." Ok fine just tell me when, and hurry!" I looked over at Grace she was holding a rolled up newspaper and as soon as I saw that I was able to pieced together what was going to happen, all of a sudden I heard something it was Chanel saying." 3, 2, 1, NOW." I threw the spider off of me and I fell out of the bed and Grace whacked the spider." What the hell kind of spider was that!" I bursted out." The extremely deadly kind." Chanel answered back." Yeah we found out that the hotel is infested with them." Ben said." How did you find that out?" I said." Oh we just went down the hall and broke into a couple of other rooms and there were thousands of spiders, it really wasn't a big deal." Ben said sarcastically." Guy's lets agree on one thing, we're leaving this hotel from hell!" I said. We all agreed that we we're leaving as soon as possible we grabbed are bags went down stairs and we say Walter" Oh hello all of you checking out so soon?" He asked us." Yeah sorry we just half to leave." Grace said trying to sound nice." Well at least let me call you guys your taxis." Walter said with a weird little smile." That would be great." Grace said and then he called us a taxis and the we went to town and it felt amazing to be out of that place.

We were in a town somewhere in Manitoba and we were trying to find a new hotel that doesn't have deadly spiders infesting it. We were just walking bye a store that sold tv's and I heard something I stopped and I heard the news girl say." Five 15 year old teens went missing." As soon as I heard that the words kept ringing in my ears and I called to the rest of them." Guys you need to see this." They came over and started watching with me and the news girl started to speak again." Yes they'd went missing sometime last nigh there names are Chanel , Georgia , Grace , Alex , and Ben and here is what they look like." They showed a picture of what we look like and I finally said." Do they actually care about us."" Don't be fooled by this all a report has to do is be in the right place at the right time." Said Chanel." Hey look on the bright side, were actually on the news." Grace said." We need to get out of here now!" Georgia said.

Grace POV
After Ben should us that basically everyone in Canada could be looking for us we decided that Georgia was right we do need to get out of here but we also needed some supplies. We have been planning this for awhile now but we didn't think that we would be on the news so we decided that sense we have a lot of money how much money well all together we have $173,682 a lot right, we could get us phones and me a laptop so I can work on getting us fake passports I'm great when it comes to computer stuff I have a couple different websites for all sorts of crazy stuff and I still can use them anyway we went down to this store that sold phones we bought phones and bought me a new laptop yeah I'm so happy because now that I had a laptop I can get us passports and see where the airport is. We got our fake passports and called 2 taxi and we were going to the airport I'm so happy.

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