Chapter 6

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The hotel In the morning
Grace POV
I can't stop thinking about what Ben said to me in the bus everything that he said keeps ringing through my ears and it's so annoying I just want to make it stop! We finally got to the hotel and it was, horrible. Some of the lights in the sign that said wild wind resort were out, in the dark everything looked like it was falling off of the place and it looked disgusting." Wow, good job Ben picking out the hotel," I said sarcastically." Hey how was I supposed to know this place was a dump?" Ben said." It's called a phone, witch we had before we got on the bus," Georgia said sounding annoyed." Well I guess that explains why they didn't show any pictures of place when Ben and I picked it out," Alex said." Wait that doesn't make any sense you said that was the worst name ever for a hotel but you and Ben picked it out," Chanel said sounding confused." Yeah but Ben only told me about it he never told me the name of this... Let's just say place," Alex said back slowly." Ok well let's agree on one thing this place sucks but at least know one will think to look her for us right and lets just go into are rooms get some sleep cause we all need that, and then we will go find a new hotel in the morning," I said trying to find the bright side." Ok fine I guess that will work, lets just go in," Georgia said. We all went in side to find this weird guy standing there and I had know idea how to approach him but before I said anything I looked around and it was awful everything was either decaying and falling apart or it was already broken." Hello we would like a room," I said slowly." Oh sure, I'm Walter the manager and owner of this place welcome to the wild wind resort," he said with a weird voice and a smile." Would you like 2 rooms or just 1," he continued to say." Just one thank you," I mumbled back." Ok right this way," he turned around and started walking up some of the rickety old stairs. Georgia grabbed my wrist and said to all of us." Are we sure this is a good idea."" Right now we don't have a choice it's late and we have know way of getting out of here so it's just one night lets try to deal with this." I said trying to smile. We followed Walter up the stairs and I was even starting to question my judgement!

Georgia POV
Is Grace just trying to make me go insane this place is terrible I really really really want to leave." Here's your room, enjoy your stay," Walter said we'll walking out of are room. I took one look all around are room and I wanted to shoot my self. It looked like my grandmas house falling apart and even Grace asked Ben if he was insane.

Chanel POV
You half to be joking this place is disgusting but I guess I'll just have to live with it or at least for one night.

Alex POV
I think I'm going to kill Ben." What the hell Ben this place is disgusting," Grace said." Grace, whatever happened to it's just 1 night we can deal with this," Ben said." That went out the window as soon as we walked into this room!" Grace said sounding angry." Yeah I agree with Grace this place is terrible," I said." Oh my god this place is actually making us go insane for once in our entire life's Alex agreed with Grace!" Chanel said." Guys it's one night in this room lets try to deal with it ok," Ben said. We all said back it was fine and the girls decided to take one bed and we take the other not exactly the best thing in the world.

Well I think everyone in this room is going to try to kill me but I never wanted this to happen this was suppose to be a nice hotel but clearly it wasn't.

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