Chapter 18

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Kayla POV
Wow I'm  actually here I actually did this. I never thought I would be here in Las Vegas with cops after me and with all my friends well except for a couple of others but what ever I don't think I could be happier." Hello... Earth to Kayla its time to get off the plane." I heard Chanel say to me." Oh we already landed in Las Vegas?" I asked." Yes we have, and we've been here for the last TEN MINUTES! We have just been waiting for you." Chanel said sounding angry or annoyed at me but I couldn't really tell." Oh sorry I'm coming." I said as I stood up to leave the airplane. I got off the plane and saw Ben looking like he was about to pass out." Finally she's here I thought we would never leave." Ben said, I say Grace roll her eyes." Ben it's been ten minutes it's not like we've been waiting years for this magical moment to come when Kayla walks off of the plane."" Whatever I'm tired let's go get a cheap crap hotel that looks like it's going to culpas and then after we spend 1 night sleeping we realize we are out of our fucking minds for staying there!" Ben said sounding like he was about to explode." Calm down Ben even though I do agree it's becoming a problem first we get a horrible hotel then we get a good hotel and now we're back to the bad hotel." Georgia said." Is it that or the fact that you don't won't another spider to crawl on you well you're asleep." Chanel asked." Shut up I thought we were never going to talk about that again.... And that was just a small fact in it." Georgia said." Ok I have a question." Grace said." Who the hell said that we were going to stay in another cheap hotel." Know one said anything." Exactly this is Las Vegas we are staying in a good hotel." Everyone seemed happy a couple minutes later Chanel said we should go get a taxi or catch a bus We all said bus we didn't really know how a taxi would work.

Georgia POV
No bus's were available and all taxis we couldn't all fit into so we ended up walking witch made Ben look even more tired and it looked like he was about to fall over. I don't blame him everyone was tired." Ok where are we going I'm tired and my feet are starting to hurt." Kayla said." I don't know where we should stay." Grace said." How about we stay here." Ben pointed at one of the most beautiful hotels I have ever seen and it was probably very expensive but we have money." Yes let's stay there." Chanel said." Yeah let's go." Grace said. We all started walking towards the hotel. As soon as we first walked into the hotel I thought to myself " I am never leaving this place" and I suddenly felt like at this point nothing could go wrong even though I knew everything could.

Chanel POV
When I first ran away from home I thought I couldn't get happier but being in this hotel in Las Vegas kinda proved me wrong. Everything in the hotel was extremely fancy and experience, as soon as you stepped into the lobby the walls and floors were covered in a white marble and there was a huge black carpet at the front doors where we walked in but now I see the same carpet over by a huge front desk. There where also these smaller Palm tree plants everywhere by the desk by the doors by some elevators and some by the entrance to what I think is a casino and it looks pretty big..... THEY HAVE A HUGE CASINO IN THIS PLACE!!! I'm so happy. We all walked over to the front desk." Can I help you kids." The lady behind the desk said." Yes you can, we would like to know if you have any rooms?" Grace asked." You guys want to get a room.... Here..... In Las Vegas!" She said sounding extremely confused." Yes we do, do you have something against paying customers?" I asked." No we don't, it's just I didn't think you were paying customers. How meany beds do you need?" She asked." We need 5 beds but I'm pretty sure you don't have any rooms with 5 beds in it." Georgia said." Oh no we do have a room with 5 beds in it on the..... 11th floor are you guys interested in it." She asked use, and I nearly fell over." We'll take it." Grace said and the lady told use are room number. I can't wait to see are room.

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