Chapter 20

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4 days later
Grace POV
Oh I love Las Vegas actually no I love this hotel in Las Vegas. It's been 4 day and nothing has gone wrong. Georgia and Chanel spent most of there time gambling in the hotels casino but they all so spent a lot of time ordering room service. Ben spent all of his time playing video games, and Kayla I'm pretty sure she's hanging out with some celebrity she meet, and me I have been exploring Las Vegas and sometimes the others would join me but not typically and so far everything seems fine I can't imagine something that could go wrong. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my brown hair. I stopped for a minute and looked at my reflection I can't believe how far I've come, for some reason I got caught up staring into my light blue eyes and for some weird reason they looked kinda electric, witch was weird but cool I wonder if my eyes always looked like that..... suddenly the phone rings it's an Unknown number witch is weird. I picked up the phone and answered.
Grace: hello?
Unknown: hi
Grace: who is this?
Unknown: is this call going through to room number 7 on the 10th floor?
Grace: depends... who the hell is this!?
Unknown: a person. I'm just looking for someone.
Grace: I'm not a police sergeant!
Unknown: I know I'm just asking you to look for them there in the same hotel as you.
Grace: alright. Weird but what ever just tell me about the person.
Unknown: ok great and can you tell them to call me I've been waiting all long time to hear there voice.
Grace: sure. Tell me about them
Unknown: sure well she's a girl and she ran away with out telling me.
Grace: alright?
I said kinda confused and concerned.
Unknown: she ran away with two other friends well... I guess four other friends and she didn't call me for some reason witch I still don't get and last I heard they were all in Manitoba and now there in Las Vegas.
I didn't say anything.
Unknown: and now I just really miss her. Sometimes I find myself missing even the small things like seeing her everyday well except for the weekend. Or missing her short brown hair and the thing I miss the most seeing her light blue eyes especially when she was happy cause then they looked electric. One last thing... her name is Grace.
Suddenly I recognize the voice.
Grace: oh my God... Chris!!!
Chris: hi Grace

Chanel POV
Georgia and I walked into the hotel room and Grace was standing by the phone she looked weird kinda with mixed emotions I couldn't tell if she was about to faint from shock or screaming with joy." Is it really that shocking that Georgia and I came back to the hotel room." I said sarcastically." shut up Chanel just SHUT THE HELL UP!" Grace said seeming like she was about to explode." Wow where did that come from." Georgia asked." Don't talk to me. I'm on the FUCKING PHONE!" Grace said and I couldn't tell if she said that with anger, saddens or joy I really couldn't tell and it looked like Georgia couldn't tell ether." Who's on the phone." Georgia asked hesitantly.
Grace: a person leave me alone
Chanel: who though
Georgia: yeah is it the guy next door, the people down stairs, the person at the desk, Debbie from the restaurant. Who yeah talking to
Chanel: yeah who, who yeah talking to, Ryan from the casino, Tracie from room service...
Georgia: yeah and we can't forget about Toby from the bar, it could be anyone.
Grace: could you guys shut up for five minutes.
Chanel: we'll stop when we want to stop. Tell us who is it
Georgia: yeah who. Is it anyone who's not in the hotel or in Las Vegas?
Chanel: no that's impossible no one else knows were here
Georgia: ok that makes sense but who then?
Chanel: yeah who
Grace: if I give you guys money will u leave
Georgia and Chanel: no
Chanel: could it be that celebrity that Kayla was hanging out with?
Georgia: maybe  but I doubt he would call us
Chanel: who then
Georgia: yeah who then
Grace: it's fucking Chris ok. Back the hell off!!!
Chanel: that's impossible how can it be Chris
Georgia: its Chris oh my god
Chanel: are you sure it's him. Is she sure it's him?
Georgia: yeah are u sure, is she sure. But then again how could she not tell
Chanel: yeah
Grace: what does " beck the hell off " mean to you two.
Ben: he guys what's with all the screaming.
Ben asked as he came down the stairs to see us
Grace: I swear to god if you guys tell him...
Georgia: Chris is calling Grace
Georgia cut Grace off
Grace: I quit
Chanel: yeah he's on the phone right now talking to her.
Georgia: but yet at the same time threatening to kill us!
Ben: wait how can it be Chris?
Chanel: yeah how though?
Georgia: yeah how?
Grace: I DON'T KNOW!!! I haven't got a chance to ask him!
Georgia: why
Grace: because of you people!
Chanel, Ben, and Georgia: ask him!!!
Ben: and put him on speakerphone
Grace did ask Chris how he knew where we were but she didn't put him on speakerphone witch kinda annoyed all of us
Grace: he says it's complicated
Kayla: guys I'm in love!!!
Grace: if anyone of you say one word I swear I will...
Georgia: Chris is calling us well... he's calling Grace
Chanel: yeah he is and know one outside of Las Vegas should know this number.
Ben: and he's not telling us how he knows where we are or anything.
Kayla: what!
Grace: are you kidding me! Im going to kill someone I actually think I will!
Grace turned back to the phone for a quick minute. We all heard a small murmur come from the phone and Grace said something like " I won't or at least not yet " it was at that moment I remembered someone was on the phone and all of us except for Grace had know clue who it was.
Kayla: how do you know it's Chris?
Ben: Grace said it was him.
Georgia: and how could she not tell.
Kayla: wow it's Chris.
Kayla and Chris were friends ever sense they were kids I don't know how she feels right now.
Chanel: Grace ask Chris again
Grace: he's just going to dodge the question
Georgia: ask him again
Grace: fine
A few seconds later
Ben: well...
grace didn't answer Ben mostly because she was still listening to Chris. I think Chris already answered the question but I think Grace said something like " please keep talking" or " keep talking " I can't tell. I think she missed him... a lot. A minute later Grace was smiling and laughing and all of us were getting impatient.
Chanel: GRACE!
Grace: what
Georgia: what did he say?
Grace: he said it was a long story
Kayla: you gotta be kidding me
Ben: really?
Chanel: put him on speakerphone
This time Grace did put him on speakerphone
There was a long pause that lasted at least 5 minutes
Ben: C-Chris?
Chris: hi Ben and anyone else who is here
Chanel: oh my god
Chris: hi Chanel
Georgia: WHAT!
Chris: hey Georgia
Kayla: wow
Chris: oh hi Kayla
Grace: so yeah are you guys still gonna ask him questions
Chris: one sec... damn it look guys will you remember this number
Grace: yes
Chris: ok that's good. Now I'll make sure to use a different phone.
Grace: why... whatever why are you asking?
Chris: not that I'm not enjoying the conversation but I got to go
Grace: but you just called us!
Chris: and I'll call you guys again tomorrow. Bye
Grace: damn it. He hung up

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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