Chapter 9

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Georgia POV
"Hey Alex." I said as I walked into our room. He was already in the bed and under the covers." Hi Georgia." He said, he was wearing his t-shirt and jeans. I was nervous I don't want anything to happen tonight. I took my shoes off and I put my hoodie on and climbed into the bed." So," I said not knowing how to react." So," he said." Look Alex I don't want to do this ok." I bursted out." Oh thank god," Alex said." Ok, I don't know how to react to that," I said." No no no Georgia I didn't mean it like that, I meant it like I'm not ready for this to happen." He said sounding relieved." Great thank you Alex for understanding night." I said and I turned off the light. I turned on my side and I felt Alex's arm go around my stomach and he just held on to me and we fell asleep.

Chanel POV
I crawled into to the bed with Ben and I turned to him. He looked at me and said." You know what Chanel I really like you." And I said back." Well that's a good thing cause I like you to." He leaned in towards me and kissed me and that was are first kiss. He pulled back from me." Sorry that was to far um are you ok do you need anything?" He said sounding nervous." Ben do me one huge favour."" And what's that?"" Shut up!" And I kissed him back he didn't pull back and nether did I so kissing turned into making out and some how I ended up on top of Ben but I didn't care and nether did he. About 6 minutes later we said we should probably stop I rolled over and he put his arms around me and I liked it and that's how we spent the night.

Grace POV
I had the best sleep I have ever had in my entire life I had extremely soft pillows and mattress and very warm blanket it was awesome! I got up around 8:47 am and a cumple minutes later someone knocked on the door I opened it and apparently the hotel wanted to bring us are breakfast witch was fine bye me. A lady brought in a cart with trays full of different things to eat from cereal to muffins to croissants it was paradise and it had a cupped different things to drink to. I grabbed a blue berry muffin and got some hot chocolate and I thought to myself," I'm never leaving America!"about 10 minutes later everyone else got up and started to eat." So how did you all sleep last night?" I asked." What the hell kinda question is that." Chanel yelled at me." What I'm asking a question it's not like I'm asking to rule the world I'm just asking how you all slept." I said sarcastically." Chanel and I had a good sleep thank you for asking." Ben said sounding very calm." Georgia and I slept nicely to now let's change the topic." Alex said clearly wanting to get out of the conversation." Oh ok so how was the sex?" I said smiling." I'm going to kill you Grace." Chanel said and continued to talk." And it wasn't sex it was more kissing then sex."" Alex and I decided to wait." Georgia said." Ok then I said it as a joke but ok." I said back. The rest of the morning felt kinda weird but I didn't mind it it was still funny.

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