Chapter 17

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Chanel POV
We came to a airport and went into see what flights they had. As usual we made it passed security and went to the ticket person." Excuse me what airplane tickets do you have?" Kayla asked shyly." I'm sorry but are your parents here or is it just you guys or something." She asked us." Ohhhhhhhh." Kayla said not knowing what to say." Ommmmmm ohhhhhhh."" Oh there not coming with us. They gave us the money but it's kinda are special little vacation you know." Grace said trying to save are ass." Oh well alright. But I'm sorry kids we don't have any flights available."" What!!!." Grace yelled." You don't have any flights left." Grace said." Well we do have one but that's to Las Vegas." We all looked at each other." And I don't think that..."" Well take it." We all said it at the same time." Oh alright then. I don't suppose you guys want first class seating do you cause that's all the seating we have left."" That would be prefect here you go." I said and I gave her the money and we went on to the plain.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I just thought it would be better to put something out rather then nothing this week I didn't really get a chance to work on the book.

The Runaways Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora