Chapter 11

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Georgia POV
" Guys what are we going to do, Ben has been caught." I said." I don't know." Alex said." Well we can't just leave him behind." Chanel said." Guys!" Grace yelled," I have an idea and I would love to tell you it but you guys will have to shut up!"" Ok fine then what's your idea." I said." How about we call an old friend, called Kayla." Grace said." Kayla why Kayla does she even understand running away." Chanel said." Yes she does, if you don't remember her parents drive her insane and she definitely can help us." Grace said." Ok then so what are we going to do." Alex said." What is going to happen is I'm gonna call Kayla and she is going to help us.

Kayla POV
I was at school and I heard my phone ringing I picked it up and answered and I heard." Did you miss me Kayla." It was Grace I could tell." First of all yes, second of all have you gone mental?" I asked her." Know or not yet at least but Kayla I need your help." She said." Help help with what is it maybe the fact that all of Canada and all of America is looking for you guys." I said." That and Ben got caught bye the cops." She said." You half to be joking."" I'm not."" Where are you guys and what is your plan." I asked." The plan right now is get you here. Cut class and get your ass over here in Montana!" She tooled me." A good plane except for I have know money and know way of getting over there."" Give me one second..... Ok how about now." She said and I heard my phone beep I looked down and went in to my email and in my email was a plane ticket to Montana." You want me to print this out as an actual ticket and go there." I asked." Yes Kayla, so are you coming." She asked me and I didn't answer back." Your not going to answer back Kayla. Well how about you answer this question are you or are you not one of us. Do you or do you not have a reason to hate or want to leave Canada cause if you do I just emailed you your ticket out of there, literally." She said to me and just like that I made the biggest decision of my life in 5 seconds." Met me at the airport in Montana I'll be there in an hour."" Finally, welcome to the runaways Kayla." I hung up and ran out of school and I thought to myself, this is gonna be fun.

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