A Deal With Amy

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As I stand before the woman, I throw the knives at her one by one, each aimed for her heart. As soon as one comes close to hitting her skin, it stops in mid air and drops straight to the ground. I grab the next nearest weapon which is a gun and aim for her head, she laughs and crosses her arms.

"Come on Taylor do you really think that little 'toy' can hurt me?"

"Who are you?!" I yell.

"I'm Amy, I came to make you a little deal." Amy replies.

"Why would I ever make a deal with you? You are from the evil side, aren't you, I can tell." She pulls up her sleeve and shows me her wrist, it has a black heart with a arrow through it with a circle around it. Anything on the evil side of the after life has that symbol, and anything on the good side of the after life has the same symbol but in white.

"What do you want?!" I yell.

"I know you have the diary, and I want it." She replies. What diary was she talking about?

"What are you talking about?!" I ask.

"The diary you found in that desk!" She points to the dest with the secret compartment in it. Then I remember the diary we found in it four years ago.

"Why do you want that? It's nothing it won't even open."I say.

"Lets just say it holds some very important information that I need." She smirks.

"What if I don't want to give it to you?!" I reply.

"I knew you would say that. If you give it to me I will bring your precious little Tiler back to life." Amy grins and twiddles her thumbs.

"Really!" My eyes light up and I lower my gun.

"Yes just hand over the diary and she will be good as new." Amy replies.

I turn around and face the book shelf and gaze at the smallest book there, which is the diary, I grab it and toss it to Amy. She smiles and looks at me and says thanks. She turns around and begins to form in to smoke but before she does I stop her.

"Wait! what about Tiler!?" I yell.

"Oh yes I almost forgot." She pulls out a small glass ball that has a little white light in it and throws it on the floor. It breaks and the light bursts into white smoke the fills the room. When it clears Amy is gone and I am the only one in the room.

"Tiler!" I yell. I search the rooms, she isn't here. I feel like I am going to cry. I got my hopes up for nothing, that bitch lied to me. As a tear runs down my cheek, I am filled with anger and sorrow at the same time. I turn to the wall beside me and plunge one of my throwing knives into it to release some of my anger.

"That isn't gonna do anything but put a hole in the wall you know." I turn around and look towards the door way.

"TILER!!" I scream.

"That's my name don't wear it out!" She replies while giving me a huge smile. I run to her and hug her as tight as I can. I feel like my life is back to normal and I am happy again. I never want to let go!

"Did you miss me?" Asks Tiler.

"Are you kidding!? Have you seen how I've been doing for four years?! Talking to you without seeing you and being able to hug you isn't enough! I've barely made it this long! I'm just so happy you are back and alive!" I exclaim.

"Well everything is gonna be okay now." Tiler replies. We let go of each other but I keep hold of her hand because I'm scared that if I let go she will disappear. I know she won't but since she has been gone for so long and I thought I would never see her again.

"So, your hair looks a little rough do you want me to fix you up a little before we surprise Ryan and Charlie?" I ask.

"Oh my gosh please!" I pull her out of the 'study' room and take her to my bed room, I grab the scissors, makeup bag, nail polish, and the hair curler and sit them on my dresser. Tiler's hair is almost to the point to where she is sitting on it, she isn't wearing makeup, and he clothes are the same ones from 4 years ago.

"Why don't you take a shower before I start." I say. Tiler nods and heads to the bathroom, I hear the shower start and about 30 minutes later she shuts it off and returns back to my room. She is wearing my bath robe and house slippers until I finish fixing her up. I grab the scissors and begin to cut her hair to where the length is just under her chest. Once I finish that, I trim her bangs to where they are side swept. After that I move to her finger nails, I cut them and paint them a nice clear coat and finish it off with a fine French manicure look, I do the same with her toe nails. Next I move in to her makeup, I put a little bit of bronzed on her to give her some color and then do the smokey eyeshadow, then the basic eyeliner and mascara. Finally I begin to curl her hair, they are nice loose curls, they look like beach wave curls. After I am finished, I hand he a mirror and she gasps.

"Holy shit look at that sexy beast!" She says while looking into the mirror.

"Haha, come one lets pick out some clothes for you to wear." I reply.

She nods and we head to her closet. Tiler isn't much of a dress person but since it is a big moment she decides a dress would be appropriate. The dress se picks out is a light teal color with a white belt to wear around her waist. I grab a small white sweater and some light teal flats for her to wear with the dress, And as a final touch I give her a little white bow to put in her hair.

"You look stunning." I say.

"Awe thanks, haha you did a good job." Tiler replies.

"Well are you ready to go see Ryan?" I say and give Tiler a sweet smile.

"I'm ready." She replies. Tiler grabs my hand and we begin down the steps, with each step her hand grips mine tighter and tighter. 'Well here it goes' I think to myself.

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