The Truth Is Out

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So we have all come the the conclusion that Taylor cannot defeat J.R by herself, so Ryan and Taylor came up with the plan to have us all trained. So she asked me and Jared if we could train Ryan, Tiler, and Charlie the light side powers. We agreed, then after that she is going to teach us all the darksiders powers, which will not be a walk in the park for Jared and I.


"Once again Charlie you cannot, I repeat CANNOT open your eyes when teleporting! It will hurt like hell and some even go blind from it!" I yell at Charlie for the 5th time already, he is so stubborn. "Okay now let's go again, now everyone close your eyes tightly and picture yourself in the next room on the count of 3, and KEEP YOUR EYES SHUT! 1.....2....3!" I feel my feet hit the floor and I open my eyes to see that everyone got into the next room no problem. Training these guys is a lot harder than I thought it would be. "Alright guys good job, take 5." Everyone sits on the floor panting, we have been working for a good 5 hours and all we have left to go over is healing powers, which shouldn't take long. I grab my water and head over to the couch to sit down but before I do I notice someone standing outside the cabin. It's Daryl, I glance around the room to see if anyone' was looking at me, they were all still I'm the other room so I quick I walk out the door and toward Daryl who is looking off into the distance.

"I know why you did it." He says while still looking off into the dense Forrest of trees that hide the cabin from the rest of reality.

"Did what?" I ask.

"Helped Taylor."

"You would have done the same if you were her guardian angel." I reply.

"Yes, but it's time you know that you aren't just her guardian angel." Daryl stops looking at the trees and looks down to the ground.

"What do you mean?" I question.

"You are Charlie." He turns to me and looks me in the eye.

"I don't understand." I say confusedly.

"Let me explain, well about 24 years ago i was still head of the light side and I decided to just explore the human environment a little so I stayed in Nebraska where I met a young woman named, Annalise Mayfield. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen before, I immediately fell in love with her. After about 2 years of getting to know her we grew more and more feelings for each other and she became pregnant with twins, when the time came to deliver the baby's it was too much for Annalise to handle and she died while giving birth. I didn't know what to do because half human and half light side was frowned upon, and the children couldn't stay in Nebraska when they got older the wouldn't know how to control their powers. So I was face with the only decision I could think of, pull the light side powers out of the children. When I did that I had no clue that the powers had to stay in the body they came in so I guess I pulled the human soul out instead and I had to create another human form for both of the boys souls and that's where Charlie and Ryan come in."

"So what are you saying??" I yell.

"I'm saying that I am your father, Jared is your brother, and you and Charlie are the same person but in two different bodies!" He yells back.

"And I'm guessing Jared and Ryan are the same person too?!"

"Yes." Daryl looks down at the ground. "I'm sorry it had to come to you like this."

"Yeah, well me too." I walk back to the cabin and slam the door, making everyone in the cabin jump. I walk into the other room and lunge my fist into the wall leaving a large hole. I hear the door open, it's Taylor.

"Jensen, what's wrong?"

I explain all that Daryl just told me and the look on her face is just shocked, I can feel her start to break down. She walks to the wall and leans against it with her back and slides down to the floor. I slide down next to her and put my hand on hers.

"I know, I'm shocked too. My whole life was a lie, I have a dad and a brother."

"My love life is a lie, I'm dating a.... I don't even know. I'm dating half of you living in a fake body." She says.

"I know, we need to tell them." She nods and calls them in here. Charlie, Jared, Ryan, and Tiler walk into the room and sit on the floor in front of Taylor and I. As we sit there and explain everything to them their jaws drop and tears begin to fill their eyes. I'm thinking now that this all happened for a reason, somehow I was meant to be with Taylor, and Jared Was meant to be with Tiler. Our souls in both body's found their way to them knowing it was destiny. Now we just have to get Charlie and myself into one body, and the same for Jared and Ryan. But how?

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