Light Side

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I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to start my learning for the light side. Before I started that I decided to take a bath and make myself look good since Charlie would be staring at me sleeping for god knows how long. After my bath I put on some light natural looking make up and walk back to my room, Ryan and Charlie are already in there waiting for me. As I walk to my bed I sit up on my pillows making myself comfortable.

"You know what to do right?" Ryan asks concerned.

I nod my head and look at Charlie that looks sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Nothing I'm just gonna be sad that I won't be able to hear your voice for a while." She smiles. I lean to him and kiss him on the lips sweetly.

"I'll be alright baby." I kiss his neck and he smiles. Ryan hands me the bottle of blue liquid that Daryl have me so that I can enter the light side without actually passing away. I take the small cork out and drink exactly half of the bottle and sit back, I begone to feel warm and cozy but sick at the same time. I start to cough and lose my breath, I feel like I'm suffocating. Charlie and Ryan both hold my hand ad I can hear Ryan saying that this is normal, but I'm still panicking. I begin to feel light headed and start to black out.

When I woke up I let my eyes adjust to the extremely bright light, I heard birds chirping and smelled sweet flowers in the air the room I was in was completely white. The bed was white, the walls, carpet, window frames, curtains, even the door. The ceiling was made of glass so all I could see were clouds and the beautiful blue sky, as I slowly walked to the window I looked to see what I was surrounded by. There was a large path that was made of white cement leading to the main gate of the light side I was already on the inside but I could still see the gate. On the other side of the gate was a very long line of people the looked almost homeless and dirty, on each side of the gate were two guards letting certain people in. Once the entered they looked new, they almost glowed they had new all white clothes and they looked happy and at peace. But the people that they didn't let in we're sent the opposite direction of the gate that must be the direction of the dark side gate. I walk towards the door and then turn towards the closet and open it up on only find I white tank top and white skinny jeans, I put them on and felt a little cold so I searched the back it the closet and found a white jean jacket. After I put it on I opened my door and stepped out, there was a long hallway of corse all white with a glass ceiling there was only one door at the very end so I slowly walked to it and knocked. The door swung open and Daryl was sitting at a desk waiting for me.

"Ahh, looks like you made it here alright." He smiled.

"Yeah, I did." I replied

"Well, are you ready to begin?"

"Yes I am but I'm not sure where I need to go to start." I say feeling nervous.

"No need sweetie, I'm gonna be your teacher." Daryl winked at me.

"Oh okay." I smile.

"Okay, lets begin."

Well worked for what felt like 10 hours, I learned how to move things with my mind, how to make portals, how to make a protective force field, and much more.

"Well sweetie. You are finished." Daryl shakes my hand and hands me something, I open my hand and see a stone it's a beautiful cream color and it has the light side symbol on it. I look at Daryl with a confused look.

"If sadly something happens to you this stone will come in handy, keep it with you at all times." Daryl said seriously.

I nod my head and hugged him.

"Good luck sweetie."

"Thank you." I reply. He reached out and touched my forehead with the palm of his hand and I blacked out. When I opened my eyes I was back in my own bed and Charlie and Ryan were there looking at me.

"How long was I out?" I asked stretching.

"A month and 2 weeks." Charlie replied." My jaw drops and eyes widen.

"WHAT!? I mean it felt like 10 hours but I didn't think it was that long!" I say shocked.

"Well you know light side and dark side time are different than ours." Ryan adds.

"Well no shit! I know that now!" I reply and silence fills the room. "How did I eat and shower?"

Ryan and Charlie look at each other and smirk. I raise my brow and cross my arms that seem more muscular than before.

"Well, Charlie had to give you baths, and we fed you protein shakes and soup." Ryan smiles, and I look at Charlie an he is looking at the wall smiling waiting for me to say something to him about it.

"So you saw me naked?" I ask Charlie. He looks at me.

"No, I kept your bra and underwear on you. But when I changed them I looked away, I wouldn't want to violate your privacy even tho you were out of it." Charlie explains. I smile and hug him, his arms almost wrap around me twice.

"I'm guessing I lost some weight." I add.

"Yeah, and you seem to have more muscles than you did before. Did Daryl have you workout a lot?" Charlie asks.

"More than a lot."

"Well let's get you some real food, I'll cook tonight guys." Says Charlie. Ryan and I nod and begin downstairs. On the way there I peeked into the room tiler was in last time I saw her and she wasn't there.

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