Reunited Once More

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We finally make it to the last step, Tiler has gripped my hand to tightly it is almost numb she must be nervous. As we reach the doorway to the living room I notice Charlie and Ryan sitting on the couch playing Xbox , I clear my throat to get their attention and it doesn't take their focus off the tv screen. I clear my throat once more but louder , still nothing. I look and Tiler and she is starting not to laugh, I roll my eyes and cross my arms. I am still staring at Charlie and Ryan but they haven't budged, all of a sudden I hear something glass shatter to the floor. I look at tiler and notice she grabbed the flower vase and threw it on the ground to get the guys attention, I look back into the living room and both Charlie and Ryan are sitting on the couch facing Tiler and I with their jaws dropped.

"Oops." Tiler mutters in a sarcastic tone. Ryan attempts to jump over the couch he is sitting on to run to Tiler but he fails and trips, that doesn't stop him since he gets right back up and runs straight for Tiler. He picks her up into his arms and spins her around while kissing her over and over. Charlie walks to me and grabs my hand and stands in the door way with me.

"Tiler! Y-you're alive!" Ryan screams with excitement.

"Good as new thanks to Taylor!" She replies. Ryan puts her down and everyone looks at me.

"How did you manage to bring me back." Tiler asks.

"Well, I was in the 'study' room and all of a sudden this black cloud of smoke appeared and took the form as a woman, she said her name was Amy and she came to make a deal with me."

"Was she...." Ryan began to say but before he could finish I knew he was going to ask if she was from the evil side.

"Yes she was in the evil side but that's not the point, all she wanted was that diary Charlie and I found in the secret compartment in that old desk in the 'study' room. I told her it was useless it wouldn't even open. Then I asked her why and she said and I quote "it has some important information in it." When I said what if I don't want to give it to you,that's when she said she would bring back Tiler for me just to get the diary."

"What if that book has classified information about the good side?! That could cause war between the good and the bad side!" Ryan yells.

"I doubt it had that stuff in it, it was just an old diary!" I reply.

"Okay, okay all that matters is Tiler is back and we are all happy." Charlie says while trying to break the tension in the room.

"I guess you're right." Ryan replies.

"Well you guys catch up while I make a special dinner to celebrate, Tiler what would you like?" I say.

"Hmm, hamburgers!" She exclaims.

"Alrighty well I'll fix those up and I'll even make desert." I reply. Everyone nods and they return to the couch and begin their little chit chat.

After we finish eating we are stuffed and almost ready for bed. Luna and Sky are full from leftover scraps and passed out on the floor. Tiler is cuddled up into Ryan's arms on the couch and Charlie and I are laying on an air mattress on the floor. The clock strikes midnight and we all head up stairs for bed I give Tiler and Ryan a hug goodnight and Charlie does the same. Ryan and Tiler go into Tiler's room and quickly fall asleep, Charlie and I sit up for a while longer and just have small talk. The we both drift to sleep.

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