No Backing Down

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We sat in the bare cabin for hours discussing our plan, I could see that Charlie and Ryan didn't want me to do it but I have to. The plan was that I go to the dark side and tell Marlon I'm there for my lessons, when it comes break time Ryan and Charlie will hack their announcement system telling Marlon he needs to come to the main gate immediately. When he leaves I will search his room for the dagger when I find it I take it and teleport back to the cabin. Hopefully I find the dagger before Marlon comes back, but all this starts tomorrow morning so we all decide to get a good nights sleep.

When the sun comes up the next morning I wake up feeling nervous, I sit up and and stare at the wall. It seems like Jensen and I woke up at the same time cause when I sit up he does, he immediately looks at me and gives me a quick smile and stands up. He grabs my hand and leads me to a different room of the cabin, the room is organized in sections. The left side when you walk in the door is where there are clothes, for both boys and girls, underneath where they are hanging are work boots and tennis shoes. The next section is a large cabinet of foods, next to that is a fridge. The section on the wall towards the back of the room are towels, soaps, band aids, healing ointment, and medicines. And to the right side there is a door, it's already open so I can see that it is a bathroom with a shower, sink and a toilet.

"Take a shower, and get some black clothes to put on for the dark side. There is food and water over there, help yourself."

"Thank you Jensen, for everything." I smile at him and kiss him on the cheek and head towards the rack with the towels. I grab one and lock myself in the bathroom to take a shower, I strip from my clothes and sit in the shower letting the hot water run over my body. As I sit there I over think about today, feeling more and more nervous about it. What if I get caught? How bad will Marlon punish me? Will he kill me? Take my soul? Well whatever bad thing he does to me it will effect Jensen, I'm scared for both of us. I sit there still thinking, but when I feel the water starting to cool off I snap back into reality. I turn off the shower and wrap the towel around myself, I open the bathroom door and walk to the rack of clothing. I pick out a black tank top and black jeans, I put on my underclothes, then I put on the jeans and tank top. I stretch, jump, bend, and run to make sure I can move properly in the jeans. Once I feel I can move comfortably in them I pull my hair back into a pony tail to get it out of my way, I walk back into the main room to find everyone awake and ready for our plan to take action.

"You ready?" Jensen asks me. I nod my head while grabbing my supply belt and strapping it on.

"I think you should give everyone a proper goodby before you go Taylor." Jared looks down at his feet, looking pretty upset he had to say this, but I understand it's a possibility that I get caught and who knows what Marlon will do. I walk up to Tiler and hug her tightly.

"Be careful boo thang." She whispers, I smile thinking about how that's been our nickname for each other for a long time.

Next I hug Ryan, I lean towards his ear and whisper to him. "Just in case something happens, take care of Tiler for me, please."

"Of course. And hey, be careful."

Next I hug Jensen who like everyone else told me to be careful, then Jensen he hugs me for a good 20 seconds.

"Screw this up and we are both dead." He jokes.

"Oh I be sure to screw up just for you." I smile and hear him let out a small laugh. He kisses me in the cheek and pats me on the back.

And last but not least I give Charlie a big hug trying not to let the tears begin to form in my eyes. I step back and look him in the eyes, he gives me a quick smile I know he is signaling for me to be safe so I smile and give him a quick kiss.

I step away from everyone and take a deep breath, I wave to everyone and close my eyes imagining myself at the dark side. I feel the wind rush past my body, and feel a sudden jolt meaning my feet are in the ground and I'm here. I open my eyes and see myself into a long hallway, it almost looks like a old haunted abandon hospital hallway, I get the child just looking at it. At the end of the hall way are two large doors, I begin walking towards them moving slowly and cutiously. Once I make it to the doors I push them open to see Marlon sitting in a leather couch drinking what looks to be scotch.

"Ahh, Taylor, so good you could make it! Come, sit down have a drink." He pats his hand on the empty space on the couch.

"No thanks, Im here for my lessons."

"Oh well I guess we can get started then." He snaps his fingers and the room suddenly switches it's setting, it looks as of we are in a training gym.


We worked for about 3 hours, I've learned how to brutally hurt people, which I am NOT a fan of, I can set fires with my mind, move things with my mind, and the coolest thing I learned was how to hack people's minds to make them see things that aren't really there.

"Now, sugar we will learn how to..." Marlon gets cut off my the intercom announcements.

"Marlon! We need you right away to the main gate! Hurry it's an emergency!" Without think about it I knew that was Tiler's acting voice.

"Well duty calls sugar, I'll be right back." He snaps out of the room, as soon as he does that I run around the room searching frantically everywhere for the knife. I knew I had only a short amount of time until he knew something was up. I run towards a desk in the back corner and open every drawer finding nothing. Just as I turn around I am startled to see Marlon standing there with his arms crossed looking at me with a grin.

"Whatcha looking for there, sugar?"

"N-nothing." I say trying to keep my voice from sounding shaky from my fear.

"You know if you just wanted the dagger you could have asked." He pulls a shrink you're silver dagger out of his black coat inside pocket, twirling it around through his fingers. "Here." He tosses me the dagger and just barely prick my finger on the sharp blade.

"Why are you just giving it to me?" I ask confused .

"Because, J.R needs to go, I have no use for him. Just kill him." Marlon chuckles.

"Well damn that wasn't as hard as I though it would be."

"Just leave me before I change my mind." He snaps his finger and we return to the previous setting of the first room.

"Thank you!" I yell and close my eyes immediately teleporting back into the cabin. Everyone jumps a little startles when I pop up in the room, but they all stand up and hugs me telling me how happy they were that I was okay. If they were worried about that, how much will they be when I go against J.R himself.

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