Here We Go Again

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That morning when I woke up Charlie wasn't next to me, he must have already gotten up and headed to work with Ryan. I sit up and let my eyes adjust to the light shining through the window shades, I begin to get an uneasy feeling, like something wasn't right or was about to go wrong. I stand up out of bed and stretch, as I walk down the steps I see Tiler standing in front of the mirror in the living room. She seems not herself like she is confused and angry. She almost looks like she wants to kill someone.

"Tiler, a-are you alright?"

She slowly turned her head towards me in such a grim way it gave me goose bumps. I took a step back and she took one forward, I could tell she wasn't herself. Here eyes were wide and her pupils where very dilated.... She was possessed. With every step she took closer to me I took one back. I knew I had to run upstairs and get my spray bottle of holy water, I took a deep breath and slowly let it out and quickly ran up the stairs as fast as I could to get to the after life room. I didn't even have to turn around to see if Tiler was following me, I could hear her devilish growls behind me. As I made it up the stairs I made a sharp turn into the room and leaped into the air towards the desk with the bottle of holy water on it I grabbed it and slid over the desk landing on the other side. I could hear Tiler enter the room trying to figure out where I was, I know that if she found me holy water would be enough to stop her from killing me. I needed Ryan and Charlie. I had a clicker in the desk drawer, we each have one just in case one of us is in danger so I slowly opened the drawer and reached my hand in it rummaging around to feel for the clicker. When I found it I slowly pulled it out pressing all the buttons to signal I was in danger. As I get the signal they are on their way I notice Tiler peering my way, I'm not sure if she sees me yet but if not now she is bound to soon. I look towards the door way and I see Ryan crouched down looking at me

''Well damn that was fast, i guess they hadn't made it out of the driveway yet.'' I say to myself. Ryan nods and looks at Tiler. He waves his hand behind him and signals Charlie to come his way, I see Charlie peek over my way. They both have their supply belts on. Our supply belts are like the black belts police wear and the have little pockets and straps to put our holy water, crosses, throwing knives, guns, some rope, smoke grenades, and flares

Ryan slowly pulls out a smoke grenade and bites the top off and throws it towards Tiler as it goes off we all make a mad dash to her and spray her head to toe with holy water. She screams so loud my ears begin to pop and ring, I begin to feel blood run out of my ear in a single flow. I grab my supply belt and click it on to my waist grabbing my line of rope and the nearest chair. Ryan and Charlie grab tiler forcing her down onto the chair, as soon as she meets with the chair I tie her to it with the rope. The rope is unbreakable and it's been blessed so she can't stand it touching he skin. As she screams and squirms around trying to free herself. Ryan, Charlie and I look at each other wondering what to do next.

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