Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven (Newell)

I woke up to the sound of footsteps running up and down the hallway outside my room.

It was probably the worst thing to wake up to with the throbbing headache in my temples and the churning in my gut that warned me I was about ready to vomit, if I hadn't already. I swallowed hard at the dryness in my throat, breathing in deeply, which only made the feeling worse. I groaned, grasping around for something. I wasn't quite sure what.

Then I felt warm sunshine flood across the room and into my face. I hissed instantly, jerking myself up way too fast. I choked and covered my mouth, but not in time to stop the flow of vomit that poured past my lips and into my bed. I gasped for breath, cringing in disgust at what I had eaten last night.

That is disgusting. Since when I did eat any of this human garbage?

I managed to look up, wincing as someone turned the lights on. I opened my eyes expecting to see Xed standing there with a blank stare, trying to hide the judgement in his eyes. Instead, I saw Daimonas standing there, breathing hard with his school bag over his shoulder and sliding off while his hair was loose and sticking up in a couple places. His plaid overshirt was rumpled and buttoned wrong, his jeans unzipped.

"I'm late for school!" He exclaimed helplessly. I blinked, confused and squinting at him before I looked at the alarm clock on the nightstand. It was blurry for a moment before I made out the numbers and stared in shock.

It was twelve in the afternoon. How in the hell did that happen? Why hadn't Xed woken me up?

I grunted in frustration, reaching up to rub at my eyes before wiping my mouth on the back of my hand and looking at Daimonas.

"Okay, give me a second." I rasped, but Daimonas shook his head.

"I'm gonna go now, okay? I'll be back at threeish! Gotta go! Bye!" He slammed the door shut and I moaned, rolling over on my side and avoiding my puke. I covered my ears tightly with my hands, gritting my teeth in pain.

I had never felt such an awful hangover. My senses were completely rearranged, so half of them were muffled and the others were heightened. I could hear pots and pans clattering in other rooms, voices chattering, a couple arguing, a baby screaming at the top of its lungs. I could taste the faintest flavor of olives and it burned my nostrils as I rolled over again, only to fall off the bed and onto the floor, which only hurt worse. I moaned in pain, curling up and clutching at my stomach in agony. I opened my mouth to call out to Xed, but my voice was still hoarse.

Why wasn't he coming automatically? Didn't he know that I felt awful? Was he punishing me for yesterday? Knowing him and his bratty logic, probably.

I finally managed to lift myself onto shaky legs, struggling into the bathroom where I once again heaved up a mix of human food and blood. I stumbled into the shower to rinse off, the hot water feeling wonderful against my skin and hair. I went back into my room, cringing as the scent of vomit assaulted my senses. I simply changed into a plain navy t-shirt and sweatpants before I went about cleaning up the mess. No point in pissing Xed off further.

I put the sheets in the garbage, not ever wanting to use them again for fear of that scent returning. I left my room, then hissed again, pressing a hand over my eyes as the sunlight shown through the living room windows and glinted off the coffee table, shining right into my eyes. I kept them closed, using one hand to run along the wall to find the hallway. I expected to find Xed in the kitchen, but he wasn't there. I frowned, looking around curiously.

Had he taken Daimonas to school?

Yeah, I decided. That must be it. And yet, something felt empty. Aside from the apartment, there was a hollow hole in my chest that ached. I reached up to rub at it, hoping it would go away, but it only grew worse. I nibbled my lower lip, looking around the apartment uneasily. I didn't like being here alone. It gave me a bad feeling. I shuddered and went to the room to change into something more appropriate as I decided to visit Alora a bit early today.

The Vampire's Requiem II [malexmale]Where stories live. Discover now