Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two (Xed)

Newell flopped on the bed once we returned to the hotel room.

And the part that made me stop was the fact that he was smiling. It was a genuine smile that fell across those perfectly soft petal lips as he lay there sprawled out on his back, his long black hair thrown across the white blankets and sheets. It was a stark contrast, and an oddly beautiful one at that.

"So, what now?" Daimonas asked, plopping down on his bed and picking up his dolphin toy. Newell gave pause that, frowning thoughtfully before sitting up slowly. He leaned back on his hands, his ponytail tossed over his shoulder.

"We wait," He said at last, looking up at Daimonas and I, "Tomorrow morning we'll head to the air port and take the first plane to London. Once we arrive, I'll put a call into Vladimir and he'll send us enough money to purchase a flat in London. I'll make a few calls and see if I can find a good private school to send you too."

"What's a private school again?" Daimonas asked, scrunching up his nose. Newell rolled his eyes.

"A private school is better than a public school. Of course, it'll probably cost a lot of money to get you in, but it'll be worth it so we don't run into the same problems as we did in San Francisco." He muttered, getting up off the bed. Daimonas blinked and looked at Newell in confusion.

"What problems?" He asked cluelessly. I frowned at Newell, who didn't answer. He was referring to the fact that Daimonas had actually made friends at his old school. It was a good thing, to most children, but apparently not for Daimonas, which bothered me. I didn't want Daimonas to be limited to only us; that's not how people learned.  They learned through being amongst others, and as someone who lived with a large group my entire life, I understood that.

And I also understood why it was a foreign concept to Newell. He grew up alone. He had no real friends and classmates. He was taught privately by tutors that his father had hired, but we couldn't afford that and it would only draw attention to us. Even sending Daimonas to a private school was a bit dangerous because they were going to demand a lot of information and I wasn't sure how we were going to fake it all.

"Fine," Daimonas huffed at last, scooting back so he was up against the pillow at the headboard of his bed, "But you have to get me things I want."

"If it'll keep you entertained." Newell answered dryly, making Daimonas roll his eyes. Daimonas turned on the television while Newell put his clothes away. I watched them both, but mostly Newell because I was antsy. Was he purposely trying to torment me?

Especially now, with the way he was stooped over to put things into his suitcase. The black slacks he wore hugged his ass firmly, the shirt sliding up just a bit so I could see his lower back. It was harder to control the urge to push him down and take him. The last thing I needed to do was anger him or scare him. Newell wasn't used to sexual advances-- the one exception being that he was drunk the last time he intiated something.

Actually, he was drunk every time he tried something.

Which is why he probably hasn't been drinking as much lately. Surprisingly, it bothered me both that he wouldn't drink just because it would result in something between us and because he didn't want to do it. It didn't make sense to me.

"Xed, what are you doing?" Newell's voice cut into my train of thoughts and I blinked, looking up to see him staring at me, having pulled his shirt off so it was at his elbows. His icy stare pierced through me suspiciously, but I didn't bother to hide the fact that he was arousing. He dropped his eyes to the bulge in my leather pants before they shot back up to my eyes. It was difficult to read his expression.

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