Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen (Newell)

Daimonas was depressed.

He just sat between Xed and I with his knees pulled up to his chest, the dolphin Starling had given him held tightly in his arms. He slept half the time and moped the rest of the time. It was miserable just sitting next to him. The air was tinged with his gloom and I'm surprised a rain cloud hadn't gathered over his head.

I fought to ignore it, but it was spreading the longer the train ride became. The ride was smooth and easygoing, but sitting next to Daimonas was making it worse. I tried to ignore him by staring out the window, but watching the desert was just as depressing.

"Daimonas," I said at last, but he didn't look up, just stared glumly down at the tray his food was sitting on, "Sitting there depressed won't make this move any easier. Stop sitting there with a sulky face and start thinking of ways to teach yourself to read."

"I don't want to read." Daimonas groused, then buried his face against his dolphin. I felt a muscle twitch under my eyes, then looked up to see Xed giving me a look that told me to just leave him alone. I scowled, then looked away, slumping back in my seat.

This train ride was going to be far too long.

I decided to make a phone call in the mean time to avoid Daimonas' depression and Xed's crankiness. He hadn't eaten recently and he was probably going to be a pain in the ass to travel with as well. I made a mental note to take Xed hunting once we arrived in New Orleans. I dialed a number and waited, listening to the ring.

"Hellooo," Alaric's voice sang, "This is Inferno, Alaric speaking."

"Alaric, it's Newell."

"Oh, you got a celly now? Cool! I'm totally saving your number."

"I wouldn't do that, unless you want the cops after you." I warned. I heard a short silence, then a frustrated sigh.

"What did you do now? Punch another cop?" He asked. I rolled my eyes, ignoring his jab. I hadn't meant to punch a cop and it's not as if it hurt him. He was just stunned that a child would hit him and tried to take me to the station to find my parents. I probably should've brought him to the graveyard where my parents' corpses were buried.

"No, just fleeing the country so I don't have to pay the hospital." I answered. Alaric hummed.

"And you decided to call me because you want fake papers?" He asked innocently. I gritted my teeth. I knew the moment I called Alaric he would want something in return for his services, and whatever it was, it was bound to be expensive. It was always expensive, which is why I tried hard not to ask him for favors, but Alaric was the only one I knew who could get us out of the country safely without alerting the authorities.

"Yes," I said firmly, "Xed, myself, and our third party."

"The demon." Alaric stated. I scowled.

"How do you know about Daimonas?"

"The walls talk, Newt. You ought to know that."

"Fine, whatever," I muttered at his cryptic response, "Can you do it?"

"Can I do it," Alaric exclaimed in mock offense, "Why, Newt, I'm offended by that. Can I do it. The question is will I do it."

"Name your price." I deadpanned. Alaric hummed some more, pausing to assist a customer before he returned and I could just hear the smile as he spoke.

"Where are you headed?"

"New Orleans."

"Oooh, that's perfect," Alaric purred, making me hold the phone away from my ear for a moment before bringing it back, "There's a voodoo priestess named Monica Ravenwood who lives in the French Quarter. She's a pretty unique gal, so you can't miss her. She's got a little something that I would just love to get my hands on. I think you've heard of the basilisk, right?" I instantly frowned at that. I had run into plenty a creature in my lifetime, but never in my life had I considered the basilisk to be real.

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