Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five (Daimonas)

Private schools were way different from public schools, I soon learned.

The building reminded me of the old pictures of castles, but it was just a little bit smaller and painted white and gray with black roofs. There was a large clock tower with a bell behind it sticking out from the middle of the school where the courtyard was. The entrance was a pair of large double wooden doors with an iron gate, hidden between two large round parts of the main wing of the school.

I went inside and was already surrounded by other students. All the boys wore the same outfit as me while the girls wore short, pleated black skirts with tall socks. People were chattering and laughing. The noise was mostly the same as my old school, but something about the atmosphere and the people were entirely different. So were the conversations.

At my old school, people talked about parties, the beach, and hobbies. These students were discussing their classes, who was dating who, someone being uglier than someone else, and so on and so forth. It was a little uncomfortable.

"Hey, there!" I almost jumped at the voice that was right behind me and turned to see a perky blonde girl with her hair pulled back into a loose bun, her emerald green eyes flashing behind her straight cut bangs. She was standing by another girl with her dark hair cut in a bob, her eyebrow raised as she looked me up and down.

"Hi?" I offered. The blonde girl scrunched her nose, but she was smiling at the same time too.

"Hi, you must be the new kid that the student council was discussing last Friday. My name is Anna Marie Cunningham. I'm the student council treasurer and this is Dalilah Smith, she's my assistant. We were told to meet with you and give you the grand tour." She explained. I nodded, shifting a bit uncomfortably. There was something about Anna that was very.... off. While she seemed friendly and polite, there was something eerily dangerous about the way she looked at me.

"Okay." I said at last. Anna smiled coyly, then linked her arm with mine, which was way too much for me, but I managed not to be rude to her. I pretended to drop my bag, apologizing under my breath to her as I picked it back up, shrugging it onto the arm she'd grabbed earlier. I wasn't used to new people touching me right away-- except Starling, but only because I trusted him and he was safe.

Anna wasn't.

"So," Anna said, pretending I hadn't dropped my bag as she started forward, gesturing to the large open lobby where three halls went off in both directions, a large staircase going up to the next floor, a pair of double doors hiding on the other side of the staircase that led to a courtyard, "This is the main wing. The office is over there near the entrance and beside it is the door to the student council office." I just nodded to indicate I understood. Anna glanced at me over her shoulder, smiled again, then continued to show me around the bottom floor where most of the classrooms for fitness and physical education were. The second floor had even more classrooms involving science and mathematics as well as a tutoring lab. The third floor was mostly the creative arts and English and history classes.

We came back downstairs and she took me through the courtyard, which was my favorite place so far. It was so full of life. Trees were scattered here in there, their leaves darkening with the changing seasons. Vibrantly colored flowers crowded along the cobblestone walkways. There were a few stone benches where students sat doing homework or giggling with each other.

We went back into the building and entered a huge, giant room with tons of tables put all around with several long buffet tables on the other side near the kitchen where students were getting some breakfast. And while it smelled nice and warm, it didn't smell nearly as good as Xed's cooking.

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