Chapter Three

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Chapter Three (Daimonas)

I've encountered vampires and terrorists and needles and darkness and Stephen King movies.

But none of them were as terrifying as school.

The building was gigantic with hundreds of classrooms and other rooms and thousands of students, or so it seemed. There were just way too many people around and they kept bumping and shoving into each other. I hated it whenever someone bumped my shoulder or passed in front of me or behind me, especially. It was so loud too. People were shouting and laughing, chattering constantly whether to be people right next to them or on their cell phones.

The teachers just walked around in silence, completely ignoring the students. A couple would stop and high five a student for something I didn't know about.

I turned around a corner, hoping it would lead me to the school office, but I ended up slamming into someone and yelped, leaping back sharply. I scrambled, touching the front of my chest to make sure someone hadn't shot me or stabbed me or something else horrible. When I realized I was okay, I looked up to see a guy picking up a couple books and skateboard from the floor.

He was really tall with lean muscles. He wore a black tank top under a black jean jacket with matching jeans with holes in the knees. His hair was dyed black and cut to about his shoulders, a small braid done near his left ear, but his eyes... they were such an eerie color. They were like swirling pools of mercury. He was really pretty. I couldn't stop staring.

"Uhm, you okay?" He asked, studying me curiously. I blinked, realizing he was talking to me. What do I say? I'm okay. Yeah, duh.

"I'm okay." I replied uncomfortably. He frowned, cocking his head to study me. It was making me nervous, so I cleared my throat, remembering that I was supposed to go to the office place first to get my schedule.

"U-Uhm... Do you know where the office is?" I asked. He stared at me quietly for a moment longer, then nodded.

"Here, I'll take you there. I gotta go there anyway to pick up a detention slip." He told me. I frowned, remembering the word detention from the shows and movies I'd watched about high school, but detention was a bad thing.

"Why do you have detention?" I asked as he walked down the hallway. I was amazed at the way some people actually moved out of his way quickly to avoid him. The more I stared at him, the more I realized why I was completely enchanted by him.

He wasn't human.

He was something else, but it was something I hadn't met before, so I couldn't figure it out. He wasn't a vampire or a merman or another demon. He wasn't a werewolf either.

"Skateboarding in the halls," He admitted sheepishly, reaching up to brush his bangs out of his face, but they only fell back into place again as he hefted his skateboard under his arm tightly, "They didn't appreciate me grinding the rails in the stairwells... So, if you don't know where the office is, you must be new, huh?"

"Yess." I replied, then paused to bite my lip in embarrassment. I was trying so hard to keep the lisp out of my voice, but it tended to happen whenever I was nervous or uneasy about something. The guy didn't say anything about it, though, just smiled as we kept walking for what seemed like forever before we reached a large office with glass walls. We went inside and I was amazed by how quiet it was inside compared to the loudness outside.

"I want to stay here." I murmured, looking around the room. The guy gave me a weird look, then went to the desk where an old lady was sitting with her curly white hair brought back with a flowery headband. She looked up, disgusted when she saw the guy.

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