Chapter Forty-Three

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Chapter Forty-Three (Xed)

I heard screams.

The faint screams of someone in utter agony. I had never heard a sound so heartwrenching, so painful, so sad. Even the sound of a dolphin screaming in pain for its friends and lovers was nothing compared to the sound that I heard echoing after me in death.

And then after that was complete darkness.

I waited to be accepted by my God, waited for him to take me into his arms and send me to the place where all good souls rested in waiting for resurrection, but it never happened. I only floated in darkness for what felt like eternity until I started to fall at an alarmingly fast rate and slammed into something.

My eyes flew open and I sucked in a huge gulp of sweet air, lungs wheezing in shock at being used again. My eyes flickered all around me, but I was surrounded by darkness. Even worse was that I was crammed inside something dark and cold. Even the sheet that was draped over me was cold. I didn't like this cramped space and the inability to breath real fresh air into my lungs. Confusion swirled in my head, though.

What was I doing here?

Why was I inside this cold metal box?

What had happened?

I tried to think back, but nothing came to me. It was as if everything was a blur up until the day I had left Zephyra. I grimaced, tilting my head back and hitting a small wall, making me glare at it through the darkness.

And suddenly the vision vanished and I was seeing some sort of vision, or rather, a memory. The memory of a pair of fierce, powerful icy blue eyes. They were captivating. There was a raw strength, wisdom, and unbelievable agony in those eyes.

As soon as the vision was there, it was gone and I was left alone again inside the box. I cursed, then tried to sit up, but I hit my head on a metal ceiling that was a couple inches above my head. I growled and kicked and squirmed, thrashing inside violently.

Get me out!

Open this contraption!

I let out a vicious snarl and kicked my foot, knocking the wall away and allowing a burst of white light to flood into my prison. I blinked rapidly at the sudden assault of it. It sent another vision flashing through my mind. This time of blood splattering on the floor at a pair of tiny human feet... No, vampire feet. The vision, much like the view from a camera, panned out and I found myself staring at a child. No, not a child.

There was an ageless wisdom, an ancient pain in those icy blue eyes from my previous vision. This creature, this vampire, was literally pinned down to a chair. His hands and feet nailed down by giant nails, or railroad spikes. Blood gushed steadily from those wounds and as he tilted his head back to release an animalistic growl, I saw yet another spike jammed up into the underside of his jaw, pinning his mouth shut

And the vision was gone.

What was going on?

Who was this?

Who could do such a thing to someone so small?

I shook my head and wiggled downwards, heading for the bright light. I left the sheet behind as I finally fought my way out and hit a cold tiled white floor. I blinked at it, then slowly stood up, then hissed in pain. My body felt like it had been tossed into a blender and then I was taped back together. I grimaced, rubbing my chest, then froze when I felt raised, puckered skin. I looked down, my hand resting over where my heart was. A deep, angry looking scar was embedded into my flesh. It was still raw and the faintest signs of stitches could be seen there. I scowled at it in confusion when I heard the screams again.

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