Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen (Xed)

I woke up to the sound of the shower turning on. I opened my eyes slowly, blinking a few times to see that it was Daimonas in the shower, as Newell was still laying beside me, sprawled out on his back. One hand rested on the pillow beside his head while the other rested over his chest. His hair was tousled and his breathing soft and gentle.

I propped my head up to look at him, reaching out to brush the hair out of his face. He was a rather heavy sleeper. He didn't wake up or even twitch or roll over or anything. He just laid there, lips parted ever so slightly.

I touched his shoulder and gave him a small shake to wake up, but he didn't move. Just sighed in his sleep, laid still for a while, then slowly rolled over so he was facing me. I smiled, tilting my head to look at his face when I heard the bathroom door open. I looked up as Daimonas came out, drying off his hair. He was wearing a pair of black shorts and a grey-striped tank top. He looked at me, head cocked.

"Are you and Newell gonna go out today?" He asked casually. I think he was trying to pretend the argument between him and Newell never happened last night. While I'm sure Newell didn't want to admit it, Daimonas' words had hurt his feelings. I shrugged at his question and he sighed, walking over to his bed and plopping down. He picked up a doll he'd bought at a gift shop and played with its dark hair.

"Well, if you guys go out for lunch, take me with you. That should be okay, right?" He asked. I nodded, then looked down at Newell, who continued to sleep peacefully. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up, so I let him sleep in while I went to the bathroom to take my shower. I came out and dressed in leather pants and a black tank top before I went to wake Newell up, walking past Daimonas, who was watching Spongebob. I leaned over Newell, giving his shoulder a little shake.

Much to my surprise, he woke up easily, his eyes fluttering open tiredly. He looked precious when he first woke up. He didn't look defensive and he didn't scowl. Just laid there in a daze like he was waiting for his personality to recharge. He finally sighed and rolled over with his back to me.

"What time is it?" He asked sleepily, snuggling back down against the blankets. I shrugged, picking up the nearby alarm clock and showing it to him. He groaned and finally got up, rubbing at his eyes tiredly.

"Okay, give me some time to get ready." He grunted, reaching up to ruffle his hair out of his face. I just smiled, letting him climb out of bed and pad over to the bathroom where he shut the door. Daimonas waited until the shower was on before he turned to look at me with a suspicious stare, making me tilt my head questioningly. He looked a little embarrassed, but curious at the same time as he crossed his legs and held onto his ankles, rocking a little on the bed.

"So, uhm, I saw you and Newell holding hands last night." He said. I stared at him blankly. I wasn't sure if Newell wanted Daimonas to know about our relationship, but then again, it was a little obvious and it'd be easier to cuddle if we didn't need to worry about Daimonas. I just nodded at last.

"Does that mean you guys are boyfriends?" Daimonas asked after a moment of confused silence. I blinked at that. I wasn't sure about using the term boyfriend. It seemed like a childish term for what I had with Newell. It was more than just being together with Newell. It felt deeper than just a relationship. I wanted to find a better word, but certainly not lover or partner would work. Lover seemed reserved for couples that did things sexually and Newell seemed to try and make it a rule to avoid anything sexual. Just kissing and heavy touching. Partner just didn't cut it for me. However, I couldn't explain it to Daimonas and it seemed the only way to do so was nod, so I did.

Daimonas flushed right up to the tips of his ears, looking away. He furrowed his brow like he was concentrating really hard on the situation. I didn't understand. Did it bother him that Newell and I were together? Maybe it had to do with the fact that we were together and wouldn't allow him to be with Starling. I wasn't sure if Daimonas was quick enough on the up take to consider that an option, though. Daimonas caught on quickly to academics, but when it came to feelings and reasons, he didn't seem to understand them as easily. He reminded me of Newell oddly enough.

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