Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chapter Twenty-Seven (Daimonas)

Two weeks later, and Dominik still wouldn't tell me anything.

School had gotten easier and I was finishing my homework, keeping my grades up and apparently all the teachers liked me according to the phone call the school made to Newell, who was also surprisingly proud of me.

But even with all that good stuff going on, I felt guilty and just flat out terrible. Because every time I went to go find Dominik, I'd find him getting beat up or having his things stolen or people mocking him. Even Jason, who returned from the hospital, continued his daily duty of tormenting Dominik. The human doctors had come up with some weird, long explanation that I can't even begin to understand to explain the random nosebleed.

But I knew what it was.

And there was a part of me, the scary part, that didn't regret doing it and would be willing to strike again if given the chance. That scared me. It was the same harsh bloodlust I remembered from my time in Julian, and the same bloodlust that I felt from Voltaire when we'd run into Vladimir.

Nobody else heard or saw Voltaire the way I did. My senses instantly picked up on him. Voltaire was extremely powerful because of all the years he spent inside Vladimir, feeding off him. Voltaire held a heavy, sickening bloodlust in him that made me understand why it was so easy for Vladimir to kill people. It wasn't Vladimir killing people.

It was Voltaire.

Humans thought my species were dangerous and evil beings, pure and simple. They thought we crawled out of a dark abyss in the ground and wanted to devour them and their babies, which wasn't true at all. My species didn't care for humans... But we did get bloodthirsty if offended.

And Voltaire was offended by my presence. He hated me because if I could train my powers, naturally I would be more powerful than him. According to Anoki, our powers evolved with each litter our mother coughed up. If that were the case, I'd be angry if Anoki came around me because he'd be stronger than me and he could kill me.

I came from a really dysfunctional family, I thought miserably as I walked down the hallway, rubbing at my temples as I carried my math book in hand. I was coming around the corner when someone smacked into me. I winced and dropped my book, jumping back to see Dominik. His nose was bloody and the bruise on his cheek was an icky yellowish color, but now another bruise was welling up near the side of his head, turning an angry purple. He looked like he was about to cry, but he didn't say anything to me, just rudely shoved me aside and continued running to the bathroom where he disappeared.

I frowned, stooping to get my book and go after him when I saw Jason coming around the corner. He almost smashed into me, then pulled up short. He narrowed his eyes and curled his lip as if he saw a cockroach on the floor.

"Get out of my way." He ordered. I glared at him, snatching up my book and standing up straight so we were eye-to-eye.

"No, because you're going to go back and hurt Dominik." I snapped. A muscle under Jason's eye twitched and he ground his teeth together. I could see the fire snapping in his eyes, urging him to hit me. But I didn't want to start anything, so I turned sharply on my heel and went toward the bathrooms. I waited for Jason to follow and try to stop me, but thankfully, he gave up and went back to doing whatever buttheads did in their free time.

I came into the bathroom as quietly as I could. I could hear him coughing and choking, making me grimace as I made my way down the line to stalls to see him inside, sitting on one of the toilets with toilet paper held to his nose. It kept getting soaked in blood, though, so he'd throw it away and get some more. Tears were glittering in his eyes, but to his credit, he didn't let them fall, not once.

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