New York.

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Looking down at my phone, trying my best to understand the directions I was reading, keep my composure as much as I could whilst being in a city much more busier and hectic than I had imagined. I knew that New York was known for it's fast paced lifestyle, but I hadn't nearly prepared myself enough for just how crazy it really had turned out to be.

I had been called into the city for a job interview, and I knew I had to be close enough to where I had needed to be, but that didn't stop the stress from almost overpowering my entire body. I kept checking the time every five minutes it seemed, just hoping my best that I would find the building in time.

I finally got to a street that seemed a lot more calm, before noticing that the building I had been looking for all along was right at the end of it. Checking my phone once more for the email containing the address, I walked up to the door, before pulling it open and stepping inside. I had to get to the 8th floor, so I headed straight for the elevator. Once inside, I patted down my clothes before smoothing my light brown hair with my hands, my highlights seeming more prominent in the lighting of the building making me appear to be blonde, a look that I had always wanted to try but never had the guts to jump completely into.

Once the elevator had pinged, alerting me that I was at my door, I walked up to the desk that was outside in the corridor.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The woman smiled from across the desk.

"My name's Serena, I'm here for the assistant job interview." I smiled back as she looked onto her computer, before looking back towards me.

"Right through there, the second door on the right." She pointed down the corridor which contained three doors. Walking up to the one she had pointed me to, I read the sign, almost recognizing the font but not quite putting my finger on it. Tru TV almost sounded familiar, but I didn't know what company it was exactly. I just knew they needed an employee, and I just so happened to fit the description of what they had needed.

I knocked three times, before I heard a voice call for me to enter the room.

"Hey there, you must be Serena Tate? Finally a name to the face, it's so nice to meet you" She said, offering her hand out to which I shook.

"Yes it is, it's nice to meet you too" I smiled back as I retracted my hand.

"Take a seat, the boys should be here soon" she grinned, before setting her laptop onto the table and turning it on. Boys? I really should have taken the time to Google more about the Job or premises I had applied to be working at. "So, how did you find out about this job? I noticed on your résumé that you weren't from New York." She asked as her eyes scoured her computer screen.

"I needed a fresh start, I suppose. New place, new faces. It's always nice." I answered.

"I completely understand you there, which is why you could be possibly taking my job" she chuckled slightly, and I couldn't tell if she was happy about that or not.

"Oh, this is your job?" I questioned, slightly confused. Never had I turned up for a job interview to be interviewed by the person that had had the job prior to me.

"Yes, my husband has to leave the country for work, and I had made the decision to go with him. Whoever gets to fill my shoes has a very good time ahead of them, there has never been a dull day, or a moment where I had wished that I didn't work here. I'm very sad to be leaving."

I smiled at her answer, but at the same time noticed the genuine sadness that she would be leaving before the door opened behind me and her face lit up a little at whatever or whoever was behind me.

"Sorry we're late, we decided to travel together and got stuck in traffic." One voice appeared before I heard the murmurs of a few other guys voices appearing from the hallway before they got louder as they entered the room also.

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