Chapter 5: I'm In Love.

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Laysha's POV:
(The next day) I wake up & realize it's Saturday & I can do whatever I want,I run down the stairs happy as can be & I pour myself a large bowl of cereal my family giving me funny looks of course,"everything okay sis?" My brother says & I nod "everything's perfect" I say I found out yesterday Nate really likes me & isn't interested to date Ashley,that weight was taken off my back & I finally felt free & happy,I check the time it's 8am,"beach anyone?' We all nod & I run back upstairs & pack my bag for the beach..
(At the beach)
I have on my bikini & Mercedez,Andrew,Cole & the rest of the dancers from the class came long to the beach then I saw Nate & his friends nearby,my heart starting beating at a rate that was unbelievable,he walked over to me & I sighed..
Nate's POV:
Wow. She looks gorgeous,who knew she would be at the same beach I'm at today weird right?,I walk over & I see her tense up,I really like Laysha & I want her to be mine it would be odd if I asked her out right here & now so I plan on us having dinner at the nearby diner & them asking her to be my girlfriend,even though it still feels odd she's so perfect I want & need her badly...
Laysha's POV:
I got a notification from Twitter & it came from a post that I was tagged on & it was a mean tweet from Ashley..
"Laysha? More like Lay because that's all she does she lays down & takes any girl's man" ~BlondeBarbie97 & I tear up at the hateful comments & Nate notices & hugs me,"hey what's wrong?" I show him the tweet & he gets angry "listen she's just jealous that she's obviously not precious as you are. Your a diamond" he says & I blush "really?" "Really. how about dinner tonight?" "What time?" I say with my hand on his chest & he wiped my tears "7pm sounds good?" "Perfect" I say & he smiles "don't let her get to you. I'm here & I won't let her hurt you." He says softly tracing circles on my back & I giggle "your adorable" "your more adorable" I hear Mercedez yell "GET SOME LAYSHA" & I hide my face & Nate blushes...
I'm at dinner with Nate it's going well,it being my first date,I sigh as he stares into my eyes for like the 3rd time again,"looking for Jewels in them eyes?" I say joking & he giggles "nah just looking at those eyes. Those precious. Breathtaking eyes." "They're brown" I say & he lifts my chin up with his finger "they're gorgeous to me" he says & I smile..
Nate's POV:
Time to do it Nate do it now say it to her...
Laysha's POV: "Nate?" I say waving my hand in his face & he smirks & then grabs my hand & kisses it & I blush "Laysha I have to ask you a serious question.." I stay amused "okay what's wrong?" "Well..I really like you & idk if you like me back or not but Laysha will you be my girlfriend?" He says & I smile big & I giggle "hold on a sec.." I walk to the corner of the restaurant & I scream & do a victory dance & I walk back calmly & I nod "yes I would like to." I say trying to sound fancy & he mocks me "well ma'am wanna walk along the beach with me?" He says standing up & I roll my eyes giggling "yes sir." I say grabbing his hand & he leads me outside..
Nate's POV: we walked along the beach,she flipped off her shoes & I took off my shoes as well & as the waves crashed against our feet I held her hand as we saw the beautiful sunset,she smiles "Nate..what if the school finds-" I interrupt her by putting a finger to her lips "'s all about us right now speaking of which" I turn on my phone & I put on romantic music with my phone on the loudest volume & I sway her around & i bring her closer to my face & we peck lips..the sunset plus the most beautiful girl in front of me,what a wonderful night...

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