Chapper 8 The Forest Spirit

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We decided to gather materials and start making a shelter. Then we hunted animals. Later we saw some movement in the bush. Thinking it was an animal, we shot it. We then saw a green flash of light move to the left, and a shadow figure ran away.

"What the fuck? Was that a human?" Asked Dub.

"It is I! The Forest Spirit!" Then some chick covered in leaves and flowers, holding a spear came out of the bush. I ain't going to lie, she was sexy as fuck.

"Hello there weary travelers," she said, "Come with me. You must be very tired."

We decided to, after she claimed to have a home, and our shelter was just some twigs.

We were then led into a large tree with a door.

"Well fuck!" Said Bobbins, "This is an absolute shithole! Why not get some cable, air conditioning, or a death room? At least our house had somewhere to properly torture children!"

"Well," she said, "I invited you to my home! How dare you insult me?"

"Fight me bitch!"

"No!" She screamed, "I refuse to fight! I am here to bring peace to all creatures!"

Bobbins then shot her. Suddenly vines came from the ground and tangled him up. The Forest Spirit then laughed. "Fool!" She said, "You have disturbed us for the last time!"

"No," he said, "I'm not into kinky dominatrix shit!"

"You three go to upstairs. This one and I are going to have fun!"

"Please don't rape me!"

"Oh I'm going to do worse."

"Fucking hell! You're fucking horny as hell!"

"You know what, you're impossible. I was going to torture you, but you're a bit of a cunt! So you'll die instead you dirty mined fuck!"

"What you have a fetish for dead bodies or something?"

I then shot the Forest Spirt in the back. She then dropped her sword and I used it to cut Bobbins down.

"Thanks dick!" He said, "But you could be a bit faster!"

"Well," she said, "I never wanted to kill you. But I hate you humans."

"Then why do you take the form of one?" Asked Dub.

"Silence! You will die, and that's it! No kinky shit, no-"

"Oh thank god!" Said Bobbins.

"Oh god! You're fucking assholes! I even tell you you'll die, and yet you think it's okay to insult me! I have nature! What do you have?"

"Bullets." Seanins said. He then proceeded to shoot the hell out of her. She then shot a beam of leaves at him. He dodged it.

"Nice try bitch," he said, "but how about you learn to aim, huh tree fucker?"

The Forest Spirit seemed pissed, and proceeded to attack Seanins. "Hey bitch," he said, "it was a joke!"

Seanins was about to die, so I shot the forest spirit.

"Rorins!" She screamed, "You have interrupted your friend's death. Now I have three assholes to kill."

She then shot some vines at dub, sticking him to the wall.

"I'll keep you safe. You're nice." She said.

Dub tried speaking, but vines covered his mouth. Bobbins then untangled him.

"Dub, look," she said, "you are kind and I really don't want you to ge-"

She was interrupted by a shot in the head. "Well," Dub said, "You attacked my friends. And no one fucks with my friends."

"Wait," said Seanins, "You did that for us? Thank you!"

"Well really I haven't killed anything in a while and I got bored. But let's kill a bitch."

"Ha! You're screwed! It's your destructive ways against nature!" She said.

"And why do you think we're destructive?" Asked Bobbins.

"Well," said the Forest Spirit, "It's in your nature! Wait. Fuck you!"

Bobbins started laughing. He then started shooting at her. After about an hour, the Nature Spirit fell.

"Please have mercy!" She said.

"It's okay." Said Bobbins, "You'll be fine. I'll spare you."

"Really?" She asked.


Then Bobbins killed her. He then grabbed her sword, The Earth Sword.

"Well," I said, "wanna go get something to eat?"

"Yeah," said Seanins, panting, "Sure."

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