Maintianing Monday

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Monday 10/17/2011

Quote of the day: "I Just want a smoothie."

Song of the day: Chai tea Latte by Angel Taylor (for no reason at all)

Note of the day: If you go to your doctor and say to him I have the flu and he says well lets see whats wrong with you little missy and sticks you with a needle makes you pee and a cup and scraps the back of your esaphagus then *2hoursLater*comes in and says well  little missy I THINK you have the flu but we are gonna have to run some more test to make  sure.

1. If you're a boy you should tell him to stop calling you little missy because you have a penis 

2. It's time to get  a new Doctor


So I know I have been all MIA this weekend but in my defense it hurt to raise my head. Yeah I have been super sick this weekend I had a virus,but now I'm healded so here for your entertain a quick overview of my weekend

Homecoming Friday :)

PepRally: for somereason the peprallies at my school aren't really peppy but hey Jaylean won Mr.Muscles  GO JAYLEAN!!  

Homecoming parade: not so fun I had a heaache felt like I was gonna throw up and my marched at a speed that should never be marched and the end I had leg cramps and was pretty grumpy but I got free pizz

Homcoming game: WE WON!!! 35 to 7 GO BIG BLUE!! Britany Bennett won homecoming queen YAYY BRITANY!!! I got to leave early :) felt a little crumy

Got home: My mother forbid me to get sick until sunday

Golden saturday :-/

Woke Up: didn't feel good at all

Golden River : Wooot Woot met some great people made some new friends wanted to punch people heard some weird conversations :)


Later that night: Got serenaded by some hot phraternity men

went home: felt like CRAP




Now I'm feeling a ittle bit better I hung out with my family most of the day took some medicine and slept some I have been trying to get on here to write all day but my interweb has been acting up. I gave me grandmother whatever I had so she felt like me only more crummy so we sat up and watched Sex In The City drank  apple juice and slept and talked on the phone we also talked about boys and stuff which lead to me telling her about the "Peek-a-Boo-Penis" story.....


Well this summer I went to Nashville to spend some time with a friend of mine and she introduced me some of her friend let call them C,J,K,and E well one day we were all at E's house and when E and C had to go to the store leaving me my friend K and J well My friend and J went to another room to lets just say catch up leaving me and K alone in a room. Well some time passes and we are just sitting there when he says to me " What would you do if I just got naked right now?" Now I'm not that kind of girl not saying that girls like that are bad people I'm just saying it's not something I do so I say "Nothing." then he proceeds to get literaly butt ass naked and stand in front of my face and when I say in front of my face I mean is rather large penis is hanging infront of my face. Then he says you aint gonna do nothing and I say no nothing at all then says do you want to touch it and so no so he tries to grab my hand and I say I'm so serious right now and he says ok then puts his closthes on everyone comes back and we act like it never happened.

so I tell my grandmother this stories today and I have never heard her laugh so hard in my life it was great and that might hav been one of the most helarious moments of my life so there you go my watty friends I guess thats all for tonight till tomorrow  I got to take some meds :)

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