Mooo Monday

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  • Dedicated to The Haralson County High School Basketball Team

Quote of the day: " French with German subtitles, this is counter productive."

Song of the day: We Are Young by Fun 

Note of the day: You guys have no clue how happy it makes me to see your comments, votes, and reads it really just makes my day.

So this weekend was crazy. First friday I went to a basketball gmae and it was pretty  wild. We were playing our rivals the Bremen blue devils. This rivarlry has gone on forever. It all started back in the day. According to my grandma when ever they decided to intergrate  the school a lot of the more wealthy familys where upset. So there was another shool built in Haralson county, but it was built in Bremen. It was a private school so there was a very intense test to take. Which meant the black people didn't pass it and even if they did they didn't. Anyways the kids that went to Bremen then decided that they where far better than the kids in haralson county. and thus the rivarlry started.

( I don't know this to be factual this mainly here say. I'm sure if you asked some one from breman you would get a different story, but then again they would not submit themsleves to such childish stories)

Anyways let me tell you about this circus of basketball game. First of all the reffs where not calling a fair game I mean I don't know Jack crap about basket ball, but I could have called a better game then they did, and to to top it off their student section was copying the Krunk crew stuff, and we don't like that. (The Krunk Crew is the students that get the gym all Krunk during the game  hint the name Krunk Crew). Let me set the sene for you. It's the boys game, the girls already lost, some bogus calls have put out some of our best player out, we are down but we aren't wau down we can still make a comback, theres only 22 seconds left in the fourth quatare, and tensions are running high. Then it happens some freshman decides he wants to  buck on  some of player and one in particular he dosen't like that stuff. So it goes down the bremen kidd gets punched in jaw. Greatest moment ever. The guy had it coming. Anyways the Haralson County side had to leave before the Bremen side so we had took it to Wendy's where the  hashtag #BrokJawMountain was born. Seriously look it up on twitter.

Anyways after that I spent the rest of my weekend on pintrest and face book. Can you say unproductive? Well I guess that it wasen't completely unproductive I finished two of my three college applications, and I started on my super secret application.

Let me explain. I really really really really real-. I can't explain to you how much I want to go to NYU like for reals I love everything about that school, but my family is super against it. Exspcially my mom when I say they're against it I mean I have lost argument after argument about it. I mean they don't even want me to apply, sense my mom is gonna be the one paying for it I can't exactuly complain. So I'm still gonna apply. Cause I'm all secretive like that. 

In other news I'm pretty positive that I might have a crush on Mac. He might also  have a crush on me, but there is really nothing we can do about it. I mean sure things might be okay, but I don't want to be in a relationship when I'm gonna graduate in the next 5 months ya know, and as great as he is and I do mean he is great. I think I'm okay with just being his friend. Don't get me wrong though if he asked me out I would definiteluy say yes, but he is my friend, and I like that.

When I got home today my grandma told me she bought me Edward Sicissor Hands. I could feel excitement running through my veins like Amazon. I was so excite. I love that movie. Well we put the movie in it wasen't a "regular movie" if you know why I mean. It was in german with french subtittles, and while I LOVE  french. I also love the voice of Johnny Depp, and that was not the voice of Johnny Depp. So I took it out. My grandma was pissed though she was all " I wasteed my money on a $%^&*(*&^%$#$%^&*(*&^ movie I can't even understand ! "  So we decided to watch all the christmas movies we own.

Whelp Imma finish drink my coco and watching christmas movies with my grandma. Much love :)

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