To Much on Tuesday

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( Yesterday I came across one of the most wonderful stories I have ever read on hear and I am being Legit when I say I was in a hypnosis I absolutely loved it so this deication is for one awsomely amazing writer who made my day yesterday)

Tuesday 11/8/2011

Quote of the day: "If she is a loosey goosey with the hanky panky then she is just a whore."- Jesse B

Song of the day: The way you make me feel by Micheal Jackson

Note of the day: pull up yo britches and fasten yo seatbelts I have a lot to say.

I was on wattpad al day yesterday and now my blood is a boilin and such this has been on my mind sense yesterday so bear with me.. some of the words are filled with anger so excuss me if you have never seen this side of me before

*ahem hem hem hem*

I don't know about you guys, but when I write I write because I love it I write because it's a passion I write just so I can. So when I see someone with over 5 thousand reads  per chapter demand  a set number of votes before posting the next chapter it disgust me. Don't get me wrong when I get on and see that I got reads or votes it makes me happy dosn't matter if I have 5 reads or 500 hundred because I know or I hope that some read this and laughed or I put a smile on someones face and thats what motivates me to come home at the end of a long day and post an update at the end of the day, but  demanding votes  like that just upsets me because I feel like as a writer you shouldn't be writing for popularity but more for the love of it. I am not trying to call anyone out or anything like that I'm just kind of ranting because when I see something like that it just breaks my heart and where as I might love your story/book/novel. I lose a bit of respect for as a writer. 



I once asked someone what it felt like to fall in love and by once I mean a week ago. This is how that conversaton went.

"Someone what it feel like to fall in love"

"Well Shae." she said to me  " You know that feeling you get when you jump off a building?"

" Not really." I said back as wondered what the hell she was talking about 

"Well you know that feel you get in your tummy when your on a roller coaster or falling?"


" well it's like that, but all the time." she looked at me " But that's not what it's gonna be like for you becuse you are a one of a kind girl."

"What do you mean." I asked

she said AND I QUOTE *clears throught* 

"Shae this is what's gonna happen, You're gonna be walking up the montain of the unknown like you always do and you're gonna stop at the point where you useually do, but instead of turning back or being pushed back down the mountian like what usealy happens something or someone is gonna make you want to go to the top of that mountain. Oh and when you get to the top of that mountain it's gonna be the most ahhhmazing feeling ever with the best view you have ever seen. You're gonna look back and see that you can't go back the way you came and there is only one way down. So you are goonna look over the side of the mountain not yet going down,and it's not because you're scared or you want to make sure it's safe it's simply because you have never been down that side of the mountain before. Then the enecvitable is gonna happen. You're gonna ACCIDENTLY-ON-PURPOSE trip and fall off the edge of the montain into the uknown that is love."

"okay then." I said eyes wide with aww .........................................

Where I am getting at is some of my friends don't think I am moving fast enough for this whole Operation Get Gabe thing <--- (yeah I just made that up just now it's catchy), and I truely wish that they would just let me wonder up this mountain on my own this time I might not know where I am going how I will get there who I will met or what it will be like but dameit I know where I want to be and unfortuneately I need to get there with out the help of my friends this time.

Now I know that I sometimes meddle in thier loves lives but that's only because they asked me to if at anypoint they ever asked not to I would let it be. So this me asking you guys to let me start my Journey own my own I might need you guys at some point, but for the most part I need to do this by myself.

Now that I'm done with that...

Let me just say that I finaly got caught up on my economics work. It felt good to know that my mom is not gonna kill me for having bad grades. for those of you that don't know I am trying my damedest to graduate with honors I wouldn't be having to try so hard if I wouldn't have slacked of last year but thus mistakes word made on the part of my judgement I made some bad descions and now I am suffering for it, but it will all be worth when I get that extra stuff with my cap and gown.

I am a gentard I forgot that last week was the deadline for early action applications to Georgia State and now i am gonna have to apply late :( IT IS SO INCREDIBLY HARD TO GET INTO TO GEORGIA STATE ON LATE APPLICATIONS!! it just breaks my heart, but I will try my damdest to make it in if I don't then I'm really happy tha I Have options. And some ahhmazing people helping me get to where I need to go. Yes I'm talking to you Mrs. Rovanda Norton, Mrs. Margret Cade, Mrs. Angela Davis, and Mrs. Tammy Ward. <---- these are some truely ahhmazing women who are great at what they do.

So math class today as pretty decent it was fine really my teacher is gonna be out for the rest of the week so we went ove what we are gonna be working for the rest of the week and easy so the rest of the week should be the same

Mac is a demanding man we work really well together today he had to get some posterboard for Mrs. Davis and I am pretty sure that poster board was really dead bodies cause thats how heavy it was. I love working in the library it's so friggen fun and I love these teachers it's wierd to think that I want be in here next sumester.

third block kills me it's test day sl all we are doing is sitting until after lunch when we will actualy take a test which means I have time to get on pintrest no I don't study that stuff is for those college kids I always get a grade curve anyways

Band is the best ever today we are playing this song called Eiger which is like my all time favorite song ever out of all the songs I have ever played and I have played a lot of song's it's gonna be a pretty good day :)

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