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Thursday 11/24/2011

Quote of the day: " He like to climb trees and now a tree has clmbed him." -chuckie

Song Of The Day: Sweet Transvestite from Rocky Horror Picture Show

Note Of The Day: Avoid blowing up turkeys not cool guys not cool

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Thanksgiving, A day when the The early settlers thanked the indians for helping them prepare for the cold harsh winter that awaited them by cooking a large feast. You that winter they help prepare for  you know the one where the settlers gave them  blankets infested will small pox shoved christianity down thier esaphaguses, Then in the true American way we,  umm how should I say this, Oh I got! We killed them and took thier land. (Just something to think about while munching on all that turkey). Not that I don't love my country I'm just being honest here.

Everythanks giving me and my respective family members all sit in the living room and pass around a stuffed turkey while we all tell one thing that we are thankfull for this year. After which we Go and eat ourselves into obesity. Which is our way of saying we are thankfull we don't live in a third world country. (legitamitsy achived) Yes that was a joke aand you where supposed to laugh. hahahaha for those of you that are a little slow to the learning curve (kenya) I was making a joke about being black and being thankfull I don't live in a third world country.

I'm Shameless !!!!

Lets be honest If your on wattpad today. It's the same reason I am. We are trying to avoid family. thanksgiving is one of those days where that family that you don't see all the time come down or up to see you, and because you haven't seen them in a very long time they get to ask you a lot of question.

I'm gonna help you guys out today by  telling you how to answer the questions

WARNING!!!! The answers provided below may get you, Shuned,Slaped,kicked,punched, and or kicked out of your own house and forced to live on  streets selling your body for food,and shelter. So basically use at your own risk. I am not to be held responsible for what may or may not happen if you use these answers.

Question number 1:

"Oh my goodness I haven't seen you in years have you gotten taller?"


"No bitch, I've been the same height sense  the 6th grade."  (yes this happens to me every year)

Question number 2 :

"You being a good girl/boy/whatever?"


"NO, I have been blowing truckers for crack for about 5 months now it's really satisfying only I keep runing out of crack so I have to keep doing it over and ove and over and over and over and over and over again. So I decided to shake it up little and stop blowing and provide anal sex, that way I don't get pregnante."  <--- do not use, but this is generally what I think In my head.

Question number 3:

"Are you still dateing that guy/girl."


"Bitch I haven't had a boy friend sens I was born what the hell kind of question is that!"

 Last Question number 4: (for all you seniors) 

"Have you decided what college you're going to yet?"


"I'm not going to college hell I'm not even graduating you don't need any diplomas or degrees to  be a stripper."

Now those are a few sample questions and how I would like to answer them, but I don't answet them like them, but I don't casue I love my family and I like having a warm bed.


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