Tired Of Tuesdays

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  • Dedicated to My Mommy :)

Tuesday 10/18/2011

Quote Of the day: "It's fantasy make up shae." - Torrie Arce 

Song of the day: Take me home Phill Collins

Note of  the day: Some children make me twitch like seriously do they not know how to act when thier parents aren't around I want to be them in the face like legit.

 So it's  tuesday and I didn't have band practice :) it feels so good not to care it's like my sprits have been lifted so much has happened today. I finaly decided what  sI want to apply to. I comeplated bending a thirteen year old over my knee and giveing her the whoopin her momma should have to remind her that she is still a kid.I mean I personaly feel as if there is no reason for you to be yellin and cussin like a sailor at 7 am . I mean for one you're a girl and call me old fashioned but girls don't  swear like they are the coach of a NFL at the super bowl with time for one play and no one is listening. cause guess what you're not and it's unatractive who wants to kiss someone with a mouth like that I know I wouldn't but hey that's just my personal preference.

Now that My little rant is over might I just say I have a wonderful motherever . The only thing I have been wanting since I got sick is a smoothie well today when I got home I was ill, tired, and just didn't feel like dealing with people and my mom says to me I got something for you she bought me 2 smoothies to make at home, five boxes of lemon heads, a thing of apple juice, and halloween cookies. I HADEN'T EVEN ASKED FOR COOKIES YET!! she just always thinks of me so I made me and my mom a smoothie and we talked about my day. I love the relationship me and my mother have like there is nothing I can't talk to her about absoultely nothing. She is my mother and my best friend and dear lord am I gonna miss her come this time next year not being able to come home from a bad day and mommy not make it better it's gonna be wierd.

Well I have some stuff to do people to threaten so i guess I'll be seeing you guys FEEDBACK  I would love some tell me what you like what you hate  what I should add I'm thinking maybe a word of the day what do you guys think Pleasse some feedback would be great I'm writing this for you and me but mainly you so do tell me what you think!

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