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Rebecca (Bec) Hope Cooper ~ Craver_Priceless

Natalia Rojas ~

Carly Johnson ~

Elizabeth Dalton ~
As me (NOT my real name so PLEASE don't call me that!)

Third Person POV

They pulled up on a street, in a beautiful neighborhood.

Mountains were in the back, touching the sky. The road was bright, new, and clean, no gasoline stains or wheel streaks. Their neighborhood had a dead end. Around the street were sidewalks, cream colored sidewalks with little green trees.
There were seven houses on the street, three on each side and one that was at the dead end. Each house was kind of different, but they were mostly alike.
All the houses were made of stone and creamed color, with a garage and a green front yard with flowers surrounding the path to the door.

 All the houses were made of stone and creamed color, with a garage and a green front yard with flowers surrounding the path to the door

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Joel pulled up to the house on the dead end and turned off the SUV.

He smiled, "Well, here we are! Our new home!" Moriah looked out the window and smiled, "Wow. It's beautiful! It's bigger than our old home."

Moriah opened the door, and stepped outside. Alanis waited inside the car until her sisters helped her out.

They were all out, and walked to the front door. Moriah touched the silver rails on the porch, "Wow, very elegant!" Joel and Moriah laughed.

Joel pulled out a set of keys, found the right one, and opened the door. They stepped in and Joel bowed, pointing inside, "Welcome." Joel stretched out his hand and Moriah touched it. She giggled, "Why, thank you!" Joel kissed her hand. Moriah laughed and leaned against his arm.

Joel walked up to Alanis, Joanna, and Tamara. He smiled, "I really do hope you like the new neighborhood." He flashed a smile at Moriah and then back to the girls, "Did I forget to mention, Skillet is our neighbors?"

Alanis looked at her Teddy bear, then hugged it. Tamara just stared at Joel, like waiting for a surprise.
But, Joanna reacted differently.

She just heard the word Skillet and automatically she ripped out the earphones and screamed, "They're our neighbors?!" Joel nodded, smiling.

Joanna jumped up and down, "When can we meet them?! Can we meet them now?! How about now?! Oh, please, please, Please, Joel!" Moriah and Joel laughed at her reaction. Moriah walked up to her daughter, "After Breakfast, okay?" Joanna nodded happily. Moriah smiled and kissed her forehead.

Whole Hearted (FAN FICTION) • fK&C • book 1Where stories live. Discover now