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"Omigosh! The school year is about to end! Finally!"
Liz giggled as she sat down beside Natalia, across from Everest and Susana and Angel.

Angel was a new student, she was always quiet. She had beautiful blonde curls that reached her waist. She had gorgeous crystal, light blue eyes. She always wore a white dress or a white shirt, but she would were something white.

Tamara looked at them from afar, as Everest did something that made Susana and Natalia blush. Tamara could tell that they liked him.

Brooke snapped her fingers in front of Tamara's eyes. "Hello? Are you even paying attention to what I am saying?" Tamara blushed in emnaresmment, she wasn't. Logan interuppted, "Brooke, cool it. She is just busy to listen to your drama." Brooke glared at Logan. Logan just stuck out his tongue and smiled at Tamara. Tamara smiled back.

She picked at her food with her fork, eaves-dropping on Everest, Liz, Natalia, Susana, and Angel. Their conversations were way more interesting than Brooke's life.

Tamara sadly looked at her old friends then back at her new friends. They weren't the same.

Kaitlyn wasn't here, she was at the nurse because she had tripped and fell in the hallway. (And Apparently Logan, Brooke, Aaron, and Heather were the only ones that saw it and were there at the right time. But, Tamara doesn't know that.)


During school. Joriah <3

"You're back so soon?" Joel asked as Moriah came in and threw her purse on the couch. She then threw herself on the couch and sighed, "Yes! I'm so tired. So much interviews!" Joel laughed, grabbed a water bottle for her, and walked in the living room. He sat down beside her and smiled. She smiled back.

Joel gave her the water bottle and turned off the TV. Moriah playfully punched him, "Hey! It was the view... With special guest, For King And Country." Joel laughed, but refused to turn it back on. He then smirked, he had an idea. "Why don't we go for a hike?"

Moriah smiled and nodded, "Sure I'll just get even more tired." Joel laughed, grabbed her hand, and took her outside.

"Where are we going?"
"Why, we are going to were we had our very first date!"
"The tree house?"
"Of course!"
"Goody!" Moriah said sarcastically and laughed.

They walked over the bridge and headed towards the little old tree house. Moriah leaned on the bridge's rails and looked at her reflection. She could somehow, see herself when she was young.

Joel walked behind her and looked at his reflection, too. In their reflection, they saw themselves when they were young. They smiled, kissed, and kept walking.

Joel spotted some flowers and grabbed one for Moriah. "Remember how we first met?" Moriah took the flower and smiled. "Yes, I keep trying to forget that horrible moment." Joel and Moriah laughed, Joel spun her around and kissed her forehead.

They walked down a little path, and Joel carefully grabbed her hand, "Remember how I proposed?" Moriah smiled and looked at her hand. Their engagement ring, "Yes. That question and answer changed my life." Joel smiled and they held each others hands.

They finally made it to the tree house. They walked across the tiny bridge. Moriah swung the bridge back and forth to make Joel sick. She laughed as Joel gripped the rope and screamed to Moriah to stop. She finally did and they walked inside.

Whole Hearted (FAN FICTION) • fK&C • book 1Where stories live. Discover now