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Okay, so I realized that Everest is older than Liz by five months. Well, I want to change HOW that is possible, because it's weird and Gross to explain. So, here's how they are siblings-
Their mom gave birth to Everest, but died. So, the dad remarried a woman who was expecting Liz. Hope ya'll can understand now! Enjoy the book!

Joel, Alanis, Phoenix, Asher, and Jude played outside, in the front yard, as they waited for Tamara and Joanna.


Tamara and Joanna rode the bus home. They didn't ride together though. Joanna sat with Carly and Audrey in the middle of the bus. Tamara sat in the back, with Natalia, Liz, Everest, and Susana, her new friend from science.
Susana had short brown hair with blonde tips and hazel eyes, she was pretty.

But, behind Tamara sat the most popular, yet rudest, crowd in the entire school.

Heather Silver, Brooke Fox, Kaitlyn Scott, Aaron Perry, and Logan West. Heather, Brooke, and Kaitlyn were the most popular and meanest girls in school, with very wealthy families. Aaron and Logan were the star football and soccer players in their school.

They only hang out with each other, because they are too cool to hang out with other people.
Tamara smiled at how Liz and Everest kept arguing and stepped on each other's feet.

That caught Brooke's attention. She stared at Tamara, she seemed familiar. She took out her phone and checked her text messages with Jordan, the girl that took a picture of Tamara, Joanna, and Moriah walking to school.

She leaned over to Kaitlyn and whispered, "That's her. She was walking by Moriah Peters this morning." Kaitlyn looked over the seat and nodded. She leaned over to Heather, the top mean girl. Kaitlyn tapped her shoulder.
Heather was busy talking to Aaron, when Kaitlyn tried getting her attention.
Heather gave Kaitlyn a death stare, for interrupting her conversation. She half yelled, "What's is so important, Kait, that you just have to interrupt my conversation?!"

Kaitlyn backed away, "Look who is sitting in front of us." Heather rolled her eyes and looked. She looked at Tamara, then back at Kaitlyn. "She's the girl that walked by Moriah Peters."
Kaitlyn nodded, "Exactly."
Heather flipped her curly blonde hair back, "Why would she want to hang out with them instead of us?"
Kaitlyn shrugged.

Finally, after ten minutes riding the bus, it was Tamara, Joanna, Natalia, Liz, Everest, and Carly's stop.

Since it was a dead end, the bus had to stop right in front of Tamara and Joanna's house and turn to the other streets to continue the route.

Joanna smiled as she saw Joel in the front yard. Tamara didn't, though. She just blew her bangs out of her eyes and sighed. They all grabbed their book bags and headed for the door.

Joanna was the first one out. She ran towards Joel, and hugged him. "Hey, Joel!" She smiled at him. Joel laughed, "Hello, darling." Tamara walked over to them and waved, "Hey." Joel gave her an awkward, side hug. "Hello" was all he managed to say.

From the bus window, Heather, Kaitlyn, and Brooke saw them, with their mouths wide

Finally, the bus left, turned the corner and disappeared. Then, Natalia, Liz, Everest, Susana, and Carly went home.

Joel clapped his hands, "So, shall we go make lunch?" Joanna smiled, then her stomach rumbled loudly. She blushed and laughed nervously, "Sorry. I'm like really hungry."
They all laughed and headed inside to make lunch.


"We got this," Joel said smiling as he opened the cook book to page thirty-nine. They were going to make Chicken Parmesan Casserole.

Joel scanned the ingredients and smiled. Joanna looked at the recipe over his shoulder. She gave a nervous look, "This looks hard." Joel nodded.
Then he smirked, "We got this."

Well, they didn't have it.

Joel shredded the mozzarella cheese into a bowl. Although, he kept struggling to keep it straight.
Joanna and Tamara were cutting the chicken. Well, technically they weren't cutting it. Instead, they were making them "Walk" and "Talk."
Asher and Jude had trouble opening a jar of marinara sauce.
And Alanis and Phoenix washed with warm water some basil, so Joel could chop it.

After three hours, when the food was suppose to be done, they still had not finished.
Instead, the kitchen looked like a mess. Like, a pack of wild elephants that drank coffee with too much caffeine in it and ate a bunch of candy ran through the kitchen.

Butter was all over the kitchen table and counter. Cheese covered the floor. Garlic bread sticks laid broken on the floor, too. Let's just say, Asher and Jude were having a Star Wars battle, pretending that the bread sticks were light sabers.

Joanna looked at the kitchen. There was smoke coming from the oven. Joel was too busy chopping Basil, that he didn't noticed. Tamara and Joanna tugged on his shirt, that was stained with marinara sauce. Tamara tugged harder, "Joel, Something's burning."

Joel turned around and smoke came from the oven. Alanis grabbed Phoenix's hand and they ran outside.

Joel walked carefully towards the oven and opened it. Fire bursted out, the flames dancing on top of the casserole.

Asher and Jude screamed and ran around like chickens. Tamara quickly ran to the kitchen cabinet and grabbed a fire extinguisher.
She ran and stood beside Joel and extinguished the fire.

For several minutes, Joel, Joanna, Asher, Tamara, Jude, Phoenix, and Alanis stood staring at the burnt casserole. Then they all looked at each other. And they burst out laughing.

Joanna laughed so hard, she had tears streaming down her cheeks. Tamara tightly pressed her stomach, which was in pain with all the laughter. Joel actually fell on the ground laughing.

Tamara gasped in air and spoke with tiny giggles, "Wow. We are amazing cooks." Joel laughed, but finally stood up, dusting of some cheese of his jeans. Joanna wiped her tears, "Yeah. But I'm still hungry." Asher and Jude grabbed the broom and picked at the burnt casserole. Alanis lifted an eyebrow, "Well, dinner is served." Joel laughed again, then calmed down, "How about we order take-out?"
Joanna, Asher, Jude, Phoenix, Tamara, and Alanis nodded. They all said in unison, "Yes!"


"Omigosh! Just tell her you love her!"
Joanna yelled at the TV. Joel shook his head, "He'll never get nowhere if he keeps doing that!" Tamara nodded, "Agreed!"

After "Cooking"- more like burning- dinner, they ordered Chinese food. They were now in the living room, watching television.
Asher, Jude, Alanis, and Phoenix slept on the floor, snoring.
Joanna, Tamara, and Joel were watching a movie, while eating. It was late, but good thing tomorrow was Friday.

They then heard the front door unlock. Of course, it's Moriah. She came in smiling, "Hello, loves. How was today?"
Joanna, Tamara, and Joel looked at each other and laughed. Moriah smiled, confused. Joanna spoke first, "It was, what's the word? ASH-mazing!" Joel, Tamara, and Joanna burst out laughing at Joanna's pun.

Moriah giggled, "Okay then." She walked to the couch and sat down beside Joel. She kissed her daughter's foreheads and smiled, "Glad to hear that." She smiled at Joel and pressed her head on his shoulder and hugged his arm.

Luke and Courtney came back and picked up Jude and Phoenix.

Paige and Ben picked up Asher.

So, the only people left was Tamara, Joanna, Alanis, Moriah, and Joel.

They all smiled and watched TV. It was a wonderful night.

Whole Hearted (FAN FICTION) • fK&C • book 1Where stories live. Discover now