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Chapter 10: Revelation

I strode into school the next day and not an eye wasn’t on me. I assume news of either what Toby and I did or the breakup. I walked past Jade at her locker but I heard the skidding of shoes on the floor and her brown hair swished beside me indicating she was there.

“Hey Jade.” I said simply.

“Hey Zayn.” Her voice sounded odd.

I ignored it and made some conversation.

“How was the party?”

“I think it was good…I woke up with a massive hangover…..But I heard some things about you too…”

“What did you hear?” I groaned.

“First; I heard that there were two gay guys rubbing up on each other in the bathroom,” I felt sick after she said that, “And I heardyouandTobybrokeup.” She rushed out.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“I’m sorry it had to be that way. How are you doing?” She put her hand on my arm.

I shrugged, keeping up the heartbroken façade.

“I…I really don’t know what to say in this situation.” She laughed awkwardly.

“I wouldn’t expect you to.” I muttered.

She tightened her grip on my hand, possibly cutting off circulation.

“Why wouldn’t I understand?” She snapped.

“Jade,“ I ripped my hand away from hers, “I’m not in the mood for your hormones.” I snapped at her.

I stomped away from that bi-polar moment not in the mood for shit. I approached my class door but was met by Domonic.

“I heard the two lovers split.” He chortled.

I glared at him and in the corner of my eye, I saw Toby cross into a class behind me. Why did he have to tell everyone?

“Fuck you Toby.” I spat at him, pushing an astounded Domonic away.

Domonic’s POV (this must mean something!)

“Fuck you Toby.” Zayn spat.

He shocked me into silence. I never imagined that Zayn would be cursing after Toby, my ex-best friend. It must’ve been a pretty bad breakup. Yes, yes, the king of all fishes was my best friend in high school until something happened.

Zayn turned around to face me once more, his face boiling with rage.

“Sorry Zayn, I didn’t know things were so tense…” I apologized, surprising even me.

Zayn ignored me and went into his class. I never thought I would ever be feeling sorry for him. I was always jealous of him. I mean, imagine having both a guy and a girl pinning after him. It was obvious Jade had some crush on him and don’t get me wrong about Toby, I’m straight but there was a time when he wanted me to change…

Toby had come late to school so I was anxious in my seat. Five minutes later he strolled in looking nervous and kind of suspicious.

“Please take your seat Mr. Carr.” the teacher told him and he nodded and shuffled to his seat.

I returned my attention to the teacher but snuck a glance at Toby who was playing with his hands under the table. Toby had been acting odd lately. And by odd I mean, watching people like they knew something, spending a lot of time on his phone, and going home immediately after school, spending less time with me.

“You okay?” I mouthed to him.

He turned his head away, fixating his eyes on the person in front of him’s head.

For the rest of the hour, I noticed Toby looked just plain anxious in his seat. I didn’t notice him when we were led out of class but as I was walking down the hallway, I felt someone pull me back.

“We need to talk.” Someone said in my ear.

I glanced around to see if it was my girlfriend, Anna, but I wasn’t met with her hazel eyes. But instead with Toby, with his back turned, slowly nudging me to follow him. I sighed and followed him to the library. He didn’t stop walking until we were in the History section.

“You okay lad?” I asked Toby who was looking everywhere but me.

“I’ve…I’ve been having some…problems.”

“What’s up?” I said leaning on the shelf.

“I’ve been pretty confused lately…” He scratched his head.

“Is this about what I told you…?” I said, worriedly.

“No! No!” He reassured me.

I was referring to a secret I told him a week ago. I didn’t like talking about it…

“I’ve been having these strange feelings.” He finally admitted.

I chuckled and put my hand on his shoulder.

“That is what happens when you get older.”

“Noo,” he groaned, “This.”


“This position that we’re in,” he moved closer to me, “Does it make you uncomfortable?”

I looked at him confused.


“Because this feels completely normal. I like it.”

If I was a more violent person, I would’ve pushed him away, but instead I stood there frozen.

“I just want to try something….” He said, leaning into my face.

His lips merely brushed mine before I mustered up all the courage I had and pushed him away.

“What the hell!?” I shouted.

“I told you I was confused!!” He retorted.

“Don’t play with these kinds of things Toby! Was this all to make fun of me?” I was practically shouting.

He put his hand over my mouth but I pried it off.

“Don’t touch me.”

“I would never tease you about your family.” He said straight-faced.

My eyes started to water at the reminder.

“The point is!! You can’t just go around kissing guys! Are you fucking gay!?” I screamed at him and his face went pale.

“You’re….You’re….You’re gay?”

“Please don’t tell anyone.” He pleaded.

I ignored him and started to make my way out of the library.

“If you tell anyone, I’ll tell them that your mother is a hermaphrodite.” He said as I opened the door.

I kept my body facing the door but I turned my head.

“You disgust me.” I spat at him.

“Fuck you Toby.”

Well everyone the chapter speaks for itself!

What do you think? Did you guys watch the VMA’s last night? We got a group hug!! And Taylor Swift just overall being pretty immature, and then Lady Gaga’s respect for the boys that she left when people booed them for winning the award. And then Taylor saying ‘Shut the f- up’ during their speech. So much drama last night I was dying xD

Anyways guys, in other news I was nominated for Best Zayn story in two different competitions and Best Undiscovered Gem in one of them. So guys I’ll leave the link below and in regard to the 1D Watty Awards, I’m in the lead for Best Zayn so hopefully we can uphold that through Round 2. Just thank you guys so much. [Massive thanks] :D

Bye xx.

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