Chapter Nine.

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Chapter Nine.

Deans POV.

This girl is gonna be the end of me. She doesn't know who she's dealing with. Well obviously she loves a little competition. Ill show her competition. My eyes followed her figure walking sexily away from me. I started following her keeping a safe distance between us. I saw her talking to some guy and felt something. Anger? Hurt? Jealousy? NO! I barely know this girl. And i don't do jealousy. It's always a one night thing. But not when it comes to her. When i see her i get this rush in my body that i wanna hold her and kiss her. Man I'm going soft! This is not good. I saw her laughing and felt the same feeling again. Oh it was definitely jealousy I'm not gonna deny it. I started walking to where they were standing and saw the guy was leaning in to kiss her. Oh this is not gonna happen. I walked faster till i reached them and put both of my hands on her waist and pulled her away. I gave the guy a death glare and he backed away. She squaled and i slammed her to the wall but not hard hard enough to hurt her. Her back was facing me and i got in her neck. I inhaled her scent and breathed on her ear. "Let me go." she fought against me but she was weak. I was way too strong. I touched her stomach over her dress and pushed her back against me. She gave out a low moan.

"Don't walk away from me. You started this Brookes." i threatened in a playful tone and felt her gulp. I licked the side of her neck and she arched her back against me. I love how i had full control of her body. It was like i own her. I bit the spot where her neck and shoulder meet and she hissed under her breath. I roamed my hands all over her body. Her soft thighs, her covered stomach, her arms, her back and her ass. I squeezed her ass and she squaled in surprised. I smirked to myself and turned her around. Did i mention how beautiful she looked? I never call a girl beautiful, guilty as charged but she is. She's drop dead gorgeous, sexy, beautiful. She's perfect. The silver dress she's wearing it was like its made for her. It hugged her beautiful curves perfectly. Her body is to die for. I stared into her green eyes. She had the most greenish eyes i have ever seen. They are beautiful. Since the day i first saw her i fell for her eyes and her looks. And believe me Dean Black does not fall for girls. So this one is special.

She looked up at me, her face was flushed. Her forehead was covered with a layer of sweat and she's breathing hard. I stared at her lips and fought the urge not to kiss her pink plump lips. She bit her bottom lip and i almost lost it. My eyes turned dark. Hunger and lust took over. I leaned in close enough to feel her ragged breath. I wanted to tease her like she teased me. I roamed my hand all over her thigh and close to her pussy. I could feel how hot it is. She moaned and bit her lip hard closing her eyes. I smirked seeing how desperate she looked. I trailed my hand closer but not close enough for her satisfaction. She opened her eyes and it stunned me how dark they were. Not the usual colour of em. They were darker. She put both of her hands on my neck and leaned in so close that her lips brushed over mine ever so lightly. She backed away when she saw me wanting to kiss her. Such a tease! She smirked but i had other plans. I grabbed both of her legs and she squaled in surprise. She wrapped her legs around my waist tightly that i can almost feel her wetness and i had my hands rested on her ass. I pushed her back against the wall and kissed all over her neck. She tugged on my hair making me groan. I bit her soft spot and heard her delicious moan. She's making it hard for me to keep my hands off her. She rubbed herself against me and  i groaned while biting on her neck. She whimpered wanting me. She brought my face in front of hers and we gor lost in each others eyes. It was like we were the only people here. Just her and me. She rubbed her finger on the scar that is on my right cheek. Her touch gave me tingles in all the right places. I held her neck with my right hand and the other was still on her ass holding her up. I got close to her lips and licked her bottom lip teasingly. She moaned probably as sexually frustrated as i am right now. She held my neck in both of her palms and crashed her lips against mine. To say i was on cloud nine is an understatement. Butterflies burst in my stomach making me breathless. She makes me breathless. No girl have ever made me feel this way. And i mean NO ONE.

I rubbed my tongue across her bottom lip asking for enterance but being the tease she is, she didn't give me the satisfaction. She smirked when she heard me groan and i squeezed her ass hard. She squaled and i darted my tongue in her mouth exploring every inch of it. She moaned in my mouth and i smirked. She bit my bottom lip and pulled at it. She stared into my eyes while still biting it and then she let go biting her bottom lip so hard that i felt like it started to bleed. She let her lip go and i stared at it and licked it. She moaned and tugged on my hair.We stared at each other both breathing hard and her legs were still wrapped around me. She looked between us, how close we were and heat rushed to her cheeks. She looked adorable blushing. She started releasing her self from my body and i got the idea and put her on the floor. I was still in a daze from what just happened. She straightened her dress making her self look appropriate and she brushed her fingers through her hair softly. She was still blushing though. I stared at her, lost in her beauty. "Beautiful." i thought. Her gaze met mine and she blushed even more. Wait.. did i say that out loud?! Man I'm going soft. Dean Black can not go soft! Not in a million years. "Too late." my mind argued with me and i sighed. I saw her tuck a strand  of hair behind her ear and she smiled up at me. "uh ummm you look beautiful." i mumbled under my breath hoping she wouldn't hear and rubbed the back of my neck. "awwww look who's blushing." Skyler said pinching my cheeks. "Shut up." i slapped her hand away gently and started walking outside to get some air. Now that was hot. Too bad she ruined it by pinching my cheeks. I'm starting to really fall for this girl. But I'm dangerous. If she'll be with me, I could get her killed. Her life could be at risk and i can't let that happen. I have to keep her safe. Even if it means i have to getaway from her.

Authors Note.

Pleaseeee don't kill mee!!! I know this sucked but at least i tried right? I owe this to my readers! I know it's a little short and probably what you're expecting but i felt like i owe this to you so i uploaded as fast as i could! and oh this is not edited so I'm sorry if my grammer sucks!

Anyway i wanna thank all of you for supporting me and my book. You guys are amazing I could hug every single one of you if i could! Your comments keep me going. You guys keep me going so thank you for the millionth time! Dont forget to vote, share and comment!

-Modhi xx

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